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AGN55359: Portrait of Kevin Maybury, Minton, John (1917-57) / Bridgeman Images
ID: AGN55359
Portrait of Kevin Maybury
Minton, John (1917-57)
AAH3082103: Cover design for The Leader Magazine, 1948 (ink, w/c & gouache on paper), Minton, John (1917-57) / Bridgeman Images
ID: AAH3082103
Cover design for The Leader Magazine, 1948 (ink, w/c & gouache on paper)
PAL34562: Landscape near Kingston, Jamaica, 1950 (ink & w/c on paper), Minton, John (1917-57) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PAL34562
Landscape near Kingston, Jamaica, 1950 (ink & w/c on paper)
BON78124: Blast Furnace, 1948 (w/c and pen), Minton, John (1917-57) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BON78124
Blast Furnace, 1948 (w/c and pen)
PFA64660: T24165 The Two Bullfighters, 1949, Minton, John (1917-57) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PFA64660
T24165 The Two Bullfighters, 1949
XYC182773: A Street Corner in Jamaica, 1951 (oil on canvas), Minton, John (1917-57) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XYC182773
A Street Corner in Jamaica, 1951 (oil on canvas)
RCA354885: Lots Road Power Station (oil on canvas), Minton, John (1917-57) / Bridgeman Images
ID: RCA354885
Lots Road Power Station (oil on canvas)
WHT6360481: Valencia, Spain, 1948 (pen & ink, brush & ink, crayon wax, w/c), Minton, John (1917-57) / Bridgeman Images
ID: WHT6360481
Valencia, Spain, 1948 (pen & ink, brush & ink, crayon wax, w/c)
PST2907234: Please use your correct address, 1957 (colour litho), Minton, John (1917-57) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PST2907234
Please use your correct address, 1957 (colour litho)