Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) Assets (183 in total)

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Hunting in the valley: the preparation of guns (La caccia in valle: Preparazione degli schioppi) - Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785), oil on canvas, 61x50 cm, 1765-1770. Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia
Hunting in the valley: the preparation of guns (La caccia in valle: Preparazione degli schioppi) - Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785), oil on canvas, 61x50 cm, 1765-1770. Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia

LRI4607752: Hunting in the valley: the preparation of guns (La caccia in valle: Preparazione degli schioppi) - Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785), oil on canvas, 61x50 cm, 1765-1770. Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The presentation (oil on canvas, 18th century)
The presentation (oil on canvas, 18th century)

LRI4607608: The presentation (oil on canvas, 18th century), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

A puppet show in Venice (Painting, 1760)
A puppet show in Venice (Painting, 1760)

LRI4616091: A puppet show in Venice (Painting, 1760), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The Apothecary, c.1752 (oil on canvas)
The Apothecary, c.1752 (oil on canvas)

DEX5040773: The Apothecary, c.1752 (oil on canvas), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

La forlane (La furlana), a popular dance of the Venice region. Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1750 Sun. 62x51 cm Ca 'Rezzonico, Venice
La forlane (La furlana), a popular dance of the Venice region. Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1750 Sun. 62x51 cm Ca 'Rezzonico, Venice

LRI4637041: La forlane (La furlana), a popular dance of the Venice region. Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1750 Sun. 62x51 cm Ca 'Rezzonico, Venice, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The sick woman Visit of the doctor taking the pulse of the sick Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1741 Dim 52x41 cm Venice, Ca'rezzonico, n 134
The sick woman Visit of the doctor taking the pulse of the sick Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1741 Dim 52x41 cm Venice, Ca'rezzonico, n 134

LRI4633902: The sick woman Visit of the doctor taking the pulse of the sick Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1741 Dim 52x41 cm Venice, Ca'rezzonico, n 134, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The dance lesson (oil on canvas, ca. 1741)
The dance lesson (oil on canvas, ca. 1741)

LRI4633929: The dance lesson (oil on canvas, ca. 1741), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

Il Ridotto (The Foyer) Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1750 Dim 96x131 cm Venice, Ca 'Rezzonico
Il Ridotto (The Foyer) Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1750 Dim 96x131 cm Venice, Ca 'Rezzonico

LRI4633942: Il Ridotto (The Foyer) Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1750 Dim 96x131 cm Venice, Ca 'Rezzonico, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The school of work Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1752 Dim 62x50 cm Venice, Ca 'Rezzonico, n 1302
The school of work Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1752 Dim 62x50 cm Venice, Ca 'Rezzonico, n 1302

LRI4633943: The school of work Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1752 Dim 62x50 cm Venice, Ca 'Rezzonico, n 1302, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The spinners, 1735-40 (oil on canvas)
The spinners, 1735-40 (oil on canvas)

CPH3600647: The spinners, 1735-40 (oil on canvas), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The Geography Lesson (oil on canvas)
The Geography Lesson (oil on canvas)

CPH3714509: The Geography Lesson (oil on canvas), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

A Patrician Family, c.1752 (oil on canvas)
A Patrician Family, c.1752 (oil on canvas)

XAL60729: A Patrician Family, c.1752 (oil on canvas), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

Venetian Family (oil on canvas)
Venetian Family (oil on canvas)

XIR158246: Venetian Family (oil on canvas), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The Fortune Teller, c.1750s (oil on canvas)
The Fortune Teller, c.1750s (oil on canvas)

CPH481168: The Fortune Teller, c.1750s (oil on canvas), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

A Charlatan on a platform with Masqued Figures in the foreground (oil on canvas)
A Charlatan on a platform with Masqued Figures in the foreground (oil on canvas)

XCS6201780: A Charlatan on a platform with Masqued Figures in the foreground (oil on canvas), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Francesco Guardi (Ritratto di Francesco Guardi), by Pietro Falca knowm as Pietro Longhi, 1764, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 132 x 100 cm
Portrait of Francesco Guardi (Ritratto di Francesco Guardi), by Pietro Falca knowm as Pietro Longhi, 1764, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 132 x 100 cm

ELC1190875: Portrait of Francesco Guardi (Ritratto di Francesco Guardi), by Pietro Falca knowm as Pietro Longhi, 1764, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 132 x 100 cm, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

Shepherd leaning on a stick (Pastorello appoggiato a un bastone), by Pietro Longhi, c. 1735, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 61 x 48  cm
Shepherd leaning on a stick (Pastorello appoggiato a un bastone), by Pietro Longhi, c. 1735, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 61 x 48  cm

ELC1190937: Shepherd leaning on a stick (Pastorello appoggiato a un bastone), by Pietro Longhi, c. 1735, 18th Century, oil on canvas, 61 x 48 cm, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The presentation, 18th century (oil on canvas)
The presentation, 18th century (oil on canvas)

JLJ4570759: The presentation, 18th century (oil on canvas), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The family concert , 1750-55 (oil on canvas)
The family concert , 1750-55 (oil on canvas)

PDB5985084: The family concert , 1750-55 (oil on canvas), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The Hunters Drawing Numbers (oil on panel)
The Hunters Drawing Numbers (oil on panel)

FTB95833: The Hunters Drawing Numbers (oil on panel), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

Lady at the Dressmaker
Lady at the Dressmaker

FTB60741: Lady at the Dressmaker, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The painter's studio The painter in front of his easel portrays a young woman. Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1740-1745 Sun. 44x53 cm Venice, Ca 'Rezzonico, n. 133
The painter's studio The painter in front of his easel portrays a young woman. Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1740-1745 Sun. 44x53 cm Venice, Ca 'Rezzonico, n. 133

LRI4633901: The painter's studio The painter in front of his easel portrays a young woman. Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1740-1745 Sun. 44x53 cm Venice, Ca 'Rezzonico, n. 133, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

Visit of the monk to the aristocrat family Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) circa 1760 Dim 62x50 cm Venice, Ca 'Rezzonico, n 1303
Visit of the monk to the aristocrat family Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) circa 1760 Dim 62x50 cm Venice, Ca 'Rezzonico, n 1303

LRI4634060: Visit of the monk to the aristocrat family Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) circa 1760 Dim 62x50 cm Venice, Ca 'Rezzonico, n 1303, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The parlor of the convent Painting from the entourage by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1750 Dim 96x131 cm Ca 'Rezzonico Venice
The parlor of the convent Painting from the entourage by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1750 Dim 96x131 cm Ca 'Rezzonico Venice

LRI4634169: The parlor of the convent Painting from the entourage by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1750 Dim 96x131 cm Ca 'Rezzonico Venice, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The Family Concert Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1752 Dim. 62x51 cm Ca 'Rezzonico, Venice
The Family Concert Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1752 Dim. 62x51 cm Ca 'Rezzonico, Venice

LRI4637002: The Family Concert Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785) 1752 Dim. 62x51 cm Ca 'Rezzonico, Venice, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The cosmorama, exhibition of perspective pictures (Painting, 1757)
The cosmorama, exhibition of perspective pictures (Painting, 1757)

LRI4616085: The cosmorama, exhibition of perspective pictures (Painting, 1757), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The New World (Il mondo nuovo) - Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785), oil on canvas, 61x49 cm, circa 1756. Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia
The New World (Il mondo nuovo) - Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785), oil on canvas, 61x49 cm, circa 1756. Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia

LRI4607757: The New World (Il mondo nuovo) - Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785), oil on canvas, 61x49 cm, circa 1756. Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The Spinner - Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785), oil on canvas, 69x49 cm, circa 1750. Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia
The Spinner - Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785), oil on canvas, 69x49 cm, circa 1750. Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia

LRI4607768: The Spinner - Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785), oil on canvas, 69x49 cm, circa 1750. Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The spinners (The filatrici) - Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785), oil on canvas, 60x49 cm, circa 1760. Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia.
The spinners (The filatrici) - Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785), oil on canvas, 60x49 cm, circa 1760. Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia.

LRI4607667: The spinners (The filatrici) - Painting by Pietro Longhi (1702-1785), oil on canvas, 60x49 cm, circa 1760. Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia., Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

La cabane du lion - Il casotto del leone, 1762, di Pietro Longhi (1701-1785), olio su tela, cm 62x51 - The cabin of the lion, 1762, by Pietro Longhi (1701-1785). Oil on canvas, 62x51 cm, Fondazione Querini Stampalia Venice
La cabane du lion - Il casotto del leone, 1762, di Pietro Longhi (1701-1785), olio su tela, cm 62x51 - The cabin of the lion, 1762, by Pietro Longhi (1701-1785). Oil on canvas, 62x51 cm, Fondazione Querini Stampalia Venice

LRI4607677: La cabane du lion - Il casotto del leone, 1762, di Pietro Longhi (1701-1785), olio su tela, cm 62x51 - The cabin of the lion, 1762, by Pietro Longhi (1701-1785). Oil on canvas, 62x51 cm, Fondazione Querini Stampalia Venice, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The Letter, 1746 (oil on canvas)
The Letter, 1746 (oil on canvas)

XOS3618004: The Letter, 1746 (oil on canvas), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

Eucharist (oil on canvas)
Eucharist (oil on canvas)

CPH3714542: Eucharist (oil on canvas), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

Friars in Venice (oil on canvas)
Friars in Venice (oil on canvas)

CPH3714544: Friars in Venice (oil on canvas), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

The baptism, 18th century (oil on canvas)
The baptism, 18th century (oil on canvas)

CPH3714547: The baptism, 18th century (oil on canvas), Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images


CPH3714567: Hunting, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

Hare Hunting (Caccia alla lepre), by Pietro Longhi, 1755-1760, 18th Century, oil on canvas
Hare Hunting (Caccia alla lepre), by Pietro Longhi, 1755-1760, 18th Century, oil on canvas

ELC1190936: Hare Hunting (Caccia alla lepre), by Pietro Longhi, 1755-1760, 18th Century, oil on canvas, Longhi, Pietro (c.1701-85) / Bridgeman Images

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