Portrait of the French painter Auguste Bonheur in elegant dress of the Romantic period (b/w photo), Pierson, Pierre-Louis (1822-1913) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Countess Virginia Oldoini Verasis di Castiglione (1835Ð1899) - Portrait of Virginia Oldoini Verasis, Countess of Castiglione (1837-1899) - photo by Pierre Louis Pierson (1822-1913), Pierson, Pierre-Louis (1822-1913) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Jean Pierre Alexandre Antigna, French painter; carte de visite (b/w photo), Pierson, Pierre-Louis (1822-1913) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of the “half worldly”, the Castiglione by Pierson. Photography, late 19th century,, Pierson, Pierre-Louis (1822-1913) / Bridgeman Images