Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972)

Creator details

Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972)

Assets (94 in total)

The family of Bonaparte leaving Corsica, illustration from The Story of Napoleon published by Wills and Hepworth Ltd, 1968 (colour litho)
Cassivelaunus submits to Caesar at Verulamium (called St Albans today) (colour litho)
Crushing corn seeds to make flour, which was cooked with water and milk to make bread, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho)
The Romans built wonderful baths and gymnasiums where young Romans would practice boxing and wrestling (colour litho)
Roman Emperor Hadrian crushed a rebellion and built a great frontier wall to make it difficult for the Picts to cross the border (colour litho)
Napoleon in Egypt in 1798. The battle near the Great Pyramids, illustration from The Story of Napoleon published by Wills and Hepworth Ltd, 1968 (colour litho)
Making a fire with flint, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho)
Suetonius attacks and captures Anglesey ending the druids power (colour litho)
Bowls and dishes were made by hand, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho)
A crowded street in a Roman town in Britain (colour litho)
Caractacus was taken to parade through Rome called a triumph  (colour litho)
Agricola marched into Scotland to conquer the Picts, but after several victories he was recalled to Rome by Emperor Domitian who was jealous  (colour litho)

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