Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) Assets (94 in total)
Cassivelaunus submits to Caesar at Verulamium (called St Albans today) (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
The family of Bonaparte leaving Corsica, illustration from The Story of Napoleon published by Wills and Hepworth Ltd, 1968 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Crushing corn seeds to make flour, which was cooked with water and milk to make bread, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
The Romans built wonderful baths and gymnasiums where young Romans would practice boxing and wrestling (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Roman Emperor Hadrian crushed a rebellion and built a great frontier wall to make it difficult for the Picts to cross the border (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon in Egypt in 1798. The battle near the Great Pyramids, illustration from The Story of Napoleon published by Wills and Hepworth Ltd, 1968 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Making a fire with flint, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Suetonius attacks and captures Anglesey ending the druids power (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Bowls and dishes were made by hand, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Agricola marched into Scotland to conquer the Picts, but after several victories he was recalled to Rome by Emperor Domitian who was jealous (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Alfred surprised by the Danes at his Christmas feast in Chippenham, illustration from King Alfred the Great published by Wills and Hepworth, 1959 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
The great Battle of Edington in Wiltshire where Alfred defeated the Danes, illustration from King Alfred the Great published by Wills and Hepworth, 1959 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Alfred restores the ruins of London, illustration from King Alfred the Great published by Wills and Hepworth, 1959 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Alfred introduces English law and English justice, illustration from King Alfred the Great published by Wills and Hepworth, 1959 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon dispersing the royalists at the Pont Royal in Paris, illustration from The Story of Napoleon published by Wills and Hepworth Ltd, 1968 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Neolithic man hunting a bear with bows and arrows, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Many hundreds of men quarry great stones in Pembrokeshire, Wales, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Alfred marries Ealhswith at the Saxon cathedral at Winchester, illustration from King Alfred the Great published by Wills and Hepworth, 1959 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon selling his watch to buy food, illustration from The Story of Napoleon published by Wills and Hepworth Ltd, 1968 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon's army crossing the Great Saint Bernard Pass to Italy where he fought and won a great battle at Moreno. , illustration from The Story of Napoleon published by Wills and Hepworth Ltd, 1968 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon rides into Paris where he is made First Consul 1800, illustration from The Story of Napoleon published by Wills and Hepworth Ltd, 1968 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Napoleon marries Marie Louise, daughter of the Austrian Emperor, illustration from The Story of Napoleon published by Wills and Hepworth Ltd, 1968 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Making fire by rubbing dry sticks together, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
A stone hut, with branches on the roof, covered in grass, reeds, turf and skins, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Neolithic man used skins to make clothes, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Hollowing out a trunk to make a dug out canoe, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Building a ditch around a hill fort, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Archaeologists digging up a Neolithic settlement, illustration from Stone Age Man in Britain published by Wills and Hepworth, 1961 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
The White Horse, marks the Battle at Ashdown on the Berkshire Hills where Alfred's army defeated the Danes, illustration from King Alfred the Great published by Wills and Hepworth, 1959 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Alfred burns the cakes, illustration from King Alfred the Great published by Wills and Hepworth, 1959 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Alfred disguised as a minstrel spying in the Danish camp, illustration from King Alfred the Great published by Wills and Hepworth, 1959 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Look outs on the cliffs-looking for Danish ships, illustration from King Alfred the Great published by Wills and Hepworth, 1959 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Scholars and teachers came to teach at the new monasteries built by Alfred, illustration from King Alfred the Great published by Wills and Hepworth, 1959 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images
Othere, a brave sea captain tells alfred of his voyage of discovery (north of Scotland and to the coast of Norway), illustration from King Alfred the Great published by Wills and Hepworth, 1959 (colour litho), Kenney, John Theodore Eardley (1911-1972) / Bridgeman Images