Laying the foundation stone of the projected new structure to replace Waterloo Bridge (litho), Robinson, William Heath (1872-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Flat life, how the tenant of the top flat can enjoy all the amenities of a back garden (litho), Robinson, William Heath (1872-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Tempering the water to the shorn lamb, the new waterside geyser for the holidays (litho), Robinson, William Heath (1872-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Cultivating buoyancy, toughness and resisting power in hides for footballs in the stockyards of a football factory (litho), Robinson, William Heath (1872-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Follow after-we are waiting by the trails we lost. For the sounds of many footsteps, for the tread of a host. (litho), Robinson, William Heath (1872-1944) / Bridgeman Images
Oberon: and make him with fair Aegle break his faith, from, A Midsummer Night's Dream, pub. 1914 (colour litho), Robinson, William Heath (1872-1944) / Bridgeman Images