'If everyone tells you you are drunk, go to bed - even if you are perfectly sober', 1931 (colour litho) (see also 498190), Bull, René (1872-1942) / Bridgeman Images
'Look at the mother before becoming engaged to the daughter, 1931 (colour litho) (see also 498197), Bull, René (1872-1942) / Bridgeman Images
'If everyone tells you you are drunk, go to bed - even if you are perfectly sober', 1931 (colour litho) (see also 498191), Bull, René (1872-1942) / Bridgeman Images
'A fool never admires himself so much as when he has committed some folly', 1931 (colour litho) (see also 498209), Bull, René (1872-1942) / Bridgeman Images