Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) Assets (73 in total)

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'Your Red Cross Needs You!' World War Two poster, 1942 (poster)
'Your Red Cross Needs You!' World War Two poster, 1942 (poster)

PNP316697: 'Your Red Cross Needs You!' World War Two poster, 1942 (poster), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

The Navy Needs You!, 1917 (colour lithograph)
The Navy Needs You!, 1917 (colour lithograph)

XOS3740477: The Navy Needs You!, 1917 (colour lithograph), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

I Want You For U.S. Army, 1917 (colour litho)
I Want You For U.S. Army, 1917 (colour litho)

BST2823051: I Want You For U.S. Army, 1917 (colour litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

Wake Up, America! - Civilization Calls Every Man Woman and Child!, 1917 (colour litho)
Wake Up, America! - Civilization Calls Every Man Woman and Child!, 1917 (colour litho)

BST2823056: Wake Up, America! - Civilization Calls Every Man Woman and Child!, 1917 (colour litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

WWI US W.W.S. fundraising poster, pub. c.1917 (colour lithograph)
WWI US W.W.S. fundraising poster, pub. c.1917 (colour lithograph)

STC1449079: WWI US W.W.S. fundraising poster, pub. c.1917 (colour lithograph), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

'Help him to help U.S.!' poster for the American Red Star Animal Relief', c.1918 (colour litho)
'Help him to help U.S.!' poster for the American Red Star Animal Relief', c.1918 (colour litho)

PNP316666: 'Help him to help U.S.!' poster for the American Red Star Animal Relief', c.1918 (colour litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

With this Ring I thee Wed (litho)
With this Ring I thee Wed (litho)

LLM5998512: With this Ring I thee Wed (litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

Oliver Onions, British writer (litho)
Oliver Onions, British writer (litho)

LLM6001625: Oliver Onions, British writer (litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

Gerhart Hauptmann, German novelist and dramatist (litho)
Gerhart Hauptmann, German novelist and dramatist (litho)

LLM6001673: Gerhart Hauptmann, German novelist and dramatist (litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

Together We Win, United States War Poster, Circa 1918 (poster)
Together We Win, United States War Poster, Circa 1918 (poster)

EVB2080549: Together We Win, United States War Poster, Circa 1918 (poster), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

l Uncle Sam, 1910s
l Uncle Sam, 1910s

BAD2550082: l Uncle Sam, 1910s, Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

World War I, United States, French Allies Meeting Poster
World War I, United States, French Allies Meeting Poster

DTO3032631: World War I, United States, French Allies Meeting Poster, Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

'I don't want any of that I - I can see it in your eye!' (w/c, gouache & pencil on illustration board)
'I don't want any of that I - I can see it in your eye!' (w/c, gouache & pencil on illustration board)

DAM184683: 'I don't want any of that I - I can see it in your eye!' (w/c, gouache & pencil on illustration board), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

US Marines World War One recruitment poster (colour litho) 1914
US Marines World War One recruitment poster (colour litho) 1914

DGC1073424: US Marines World War One recruitment poster (colour litho) 1914, Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

WW1 Marines Poster, USA, 1910s
WW1 Marines Poster, USA, 1910s

BAD3440849: WW1 Marines Poster, USA, 1910s, Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

The Kiss by James Montgomery Flagg, 1915 (screenprint)
The Kiss by James Montgomery Flagg, 1915 (screenprint)

GRC1126035: The Kiss by James Montgomery Flagg, 1915 (screenprint), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

World War I American war savings poster by James Montgomery Flagg, 1918
World War I American war savings poster by James Montgomery Flagg, 1918

EVB2080551: World War I American war savings poster by James Montgomery Flagg, 1918, Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

World War I American Marines recuiting poster by James Montgomery Flagg, 1918 (poster)
World War I American Marines recuiting poster by James Montgomery Flagg, 1918 (poster)

EVB2080552: World War I American Marines recuiting poster by James Montgomery Flagg, 1918 (poster), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

World War I American poster depicting Allied nations unity by James Montgomery Flagg, 1918
World War I American poster depicting Allied nations unity by James Montgomery Flagg, 1918

EVB2080553: World War I American poster depicting Allied nations unity by James Montgomery Flagg, 1918, Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

GBW699016: "I am telling you - On June 28th I expect you to enlist in the army of war savers to back up my army of fighters", 1917 (colour litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

First Call, c.1917 (colour litho)
First Call, c.1917 (colour litho)

GBW699136: First Call, c.1917 (colour litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

'Help China', World War II American poster, c.1944 (colour litho)
'Help China', World War II American poster, c.1944 (colour litho)

PNP367521: 'Help China', World War II American poster, c.1944 (colour litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

The recipe of wedding-cake - including the requirement for a lot of money (litho)
The recipe of wedding-cake - including the requirement for a lot of money (litho)

LLM5998485: The recipe of wedding-cake - including the requirement for a lot of money (litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

'I Need Your Skill in a War Job!', advertisement for the U.S. Employment Service, 1943 (colour litho)
'I Need Your Skill in a War Job!', advertisement for the U.S. Employment Service, 1943 (colour litho)

HGL396995: 'I Need Your Skill in a War Job!', advertisement for the U.S. Employment Service, 1943 (colour litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

As Her Father Fought So Will She, front cover of 'Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly Newspaper, 28th October 1915 (colour litho)
As Her Father Fought So Will She, front cover of 'Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly Newspaper, 28th October 1915 (colour litho)

RCN3709899: As Her Father Fought So Will She, front cover of 'Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly Newspaper, 28th October 1915 (colour litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

Coningsby Dawson, Anglo-American writer (litho)
Coningsby Dawson, Anglo-American writer (litho)

LLM6001644: Coningsby Dawson, Anglo-American writer (litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

Henry James, American-British author (litho)
Henry James, American-British author (litho)

LLM6001680: Henry James, American-British author (litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

Navy! Uncle Sam is Calling YOU! Enlist in the Navy! Do it Now!, 1917 (colour litho)
Navy! Uncle Sam is Calling YOU! Enlist in the Navy! Do it Now!, 1917 (colour litho)

DMA1068751: Navy! Uncle Sam is Calling YOU! Enlist in the Navy! Do it Now!, 1917 (colour litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

World War I American war savings stamps poster by James Montgomery Flagg, 1918
World War I American war savings stamps poster by James Montgomery Flagg, 1918

EVB2080555: World War I American war savings stamps poster by James Montgomery Flagg, 1918, Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Lady Liberty Sleeping,
Portrait of Lady Liberty Sleeping,

XOS3964108: Portrait of Lady Liberty Sleeping, "Wake Up America!, Civilization Calls Every Man, Woman and Child!", World War I Recruitment Poster, USA, 1917, Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

American advertisement for WWI war savings stamps
American advertisement for WWI war savings stamps

XLF3784796: American advertisement for WWI war savings stamps, Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

'You Can Lick Runaway Prices', advertisement for the Office of Economic Stabilization, c.1942 (colour litho)
'You Can Lick Runaway Prices', advertisement for the Office of Economic Stabilization, c.1942 (colour litho)

HGL396994: 'You Can Lick Runaway Prices', advertisement for the Office of Economic Stabilization, c.1942 (colour litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

First in the Fight-Always Faithful-Be a U.S. Marine!, c.1917-18 (colour litho)
First in the Fight-Always Faithful-Be a U.S. Marine!, c.1917-18 (colour litho)

BST2823027: First in the Fight-Always Faithful-Be a U.S. Marine!, c.1917-18 (colour litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

Sow the Seeds of Victory! - Plant & Raise Your Own Vegetables - Every Garden a Munition Plant, 1918 (colour litho)
Sow the Seeds of Victory! - Plant & Raise Your Own Vegetables - Every Garden a Munition Plant, 1918 (colour litho)

BST2823059: Sow the Seeds of Victory! - Plant & Raise Your Own Vegetables - Every Garden a Munition Plant, 1918 (colour litho), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

Sow the Seeds of Victory! - Plant & Raise Your Own Vegetables, c.1918 (colour lithograph)
Sow the Seeds of Victory! - Plant & Raise Your Own Vegetables, c.1918 (colour lithograph)

XOS5042854: Sow the Seeds of Victory! - Plant & Raise Your Own Vegetables, c.1918 (colour lithograph), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

Sir Peter Pan, 1914 (ink on paper)
Sir Peter Pan, 1914 (ink on paper)

BRR5896100: Sir Peter Pan, 1914 (ink on paper), Flagg, James Montgomery (1877-1960) / Bridgeman Images

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