The Cherbourg Fetes, Her Majesty visiting the Emperor and Empress on Board the "Bretagne" (engraving), Weedon, Edwin (1819-79) / Bridgeman Images
Progress of Princess Alexandra (Princess of Wales), the Squadron at the Nore saluting the Royal Yacht (engraving), Weedon, Edwin (1819-79) / Bridgeman Images
The Ocean Yacht Match from Gravesend to Harwich, on Saturday, 4 June, the Volante winning the Cutters' Prize (engraving), Weedon, Edwin (1819-79) / Bridgeman Images
The War in America, View of Nassau, in the British West Indies, the Depot for the Blockade-Running Trade (engraving), Weedon, Edwin (1819-79) / Bridgeman Images