FLO4691185: Hourglass dolphin, Lagenorhynchus cruciger, harbour porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, and short-beaked common dolphin, Delphinus delphis. Lithograph by Karl Joseph Brodtmann from Heinrich Rudolf Schinz's Illustrated Natural History of Men and Animals, 1836., Brodtmann, Karl Joseph (1787-1862) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4690933: Javan slit-faced bat, Nycteris javanica (vulnerable) 1, greater bulldog bat, Noctilio leporinus 2, and head of proboscis bat, Rhynchonycteris naso, head of hair-legged vampire bat, Diphylla ecaudata. Lithograph by Karl Joseph Brodtmann from Heinrich Rudolf Schinz's Illustrated Natural History of Men and Animals, 1836., Brodtmann, Karl Joseph (1787-1862) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4690948: Brown long-eared bat, Plecotus auritus 1, common noctule, Nyctalus noctula 2, common pipistrelle, Pipistrellus pipistrellus 3, and striped hair-nosed bat, Mimon crenulatum 4. Lithograph by Karl Joseph Brodtmann from Heinrich Rudolf Schinz's Illustrated Natural History of Men and Animals, 1836., Brodtmann, Karl Joseph (1787-1862) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4690957: Water shrew, Neomys fodiens, Etruscan shrew, Suncus etruscus, common shrew, Sorex araneus, star-nosed mole, Condylura cristata, European mole, Talpa europaea, and eastern mole, Scalopus aquaticus. Lithograph by Karl Joseph Brodtmann from Heinrich Rudolf Schinz's Illustrated Natural History of Men and Animals, 1836., Brodtmann, Karl Joseph (1787-1862) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4691006: Lurcher or matin dog, Canis laniarius, Bichon, Spanish dog, Chow Chow, Pug dog, Canis fricator, and Poodle or water hunting dog, Canis aquaticus. Lithograph by Karl Joseph Brodtmann from Heinrich Rudolf Schinz's Illustrated Natural History of Men and Animals, 1836., Brodtmann, Karl Joseph (1787-1862) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4691027: Buffy-headed marmoset, Callithrix flaviceps (endangered) 1, and golden lion tamarin, Leontopithecus rosalia (endangered) 2,3. Lithograph by Karl Joseph Brodtmann from Heinrich Rudolf Schinz's Illustrated Natural History of Men and Animals, 1836., Brodtmann, Karl Joseph (1787-1862) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4690772: Mai or Omai, young Ra'iatean man, Society Islands, in turban and cape. The second Pacific Islander to visit Europe after Ahu-toru. Lithograph by Karl Joseph Brodtmann from Heinrich Rudolf Schinz's Illustrated Natural History of Men and Animals, 1836., Brodtmann, Karl Joseph (1787-1862) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4690783: Tattooed warrior of Nuka Hiva, Marquesas Islands, Nukahiwa. In headdress and loincloth, full body tattoos, holding a large mace. Copied from Wilhelm Gottlieb Tilenau. Lithograph by Karl Joseph Brodtmann from Heinrich Rudolf Schinz's Illustrated Natural History of Men and Animals, 1836., Brodtmann, Karl Joseph (1787-1862) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4690868: Red slender loris, Loris tardigradus (endangered), brown-hand tarsier, Tarsius fuscus, indri, Indri indri (critically endangered), and Senegal bushbaby, Galago senegalensis. Lithograph by Karl Joseph Brodtmann from Heinrich Rudolf Schinz's Illustrated Natural History of Men and Animals, 1836., Brodtmann, Karl Joseph (1787-1862) / Bridgeman Images