King Cophetha and the beggar maid, illustration from Tennyson Pictures published by E P Dutton & Co, c.1900 (colour litho), Paget, Walter (1863-1935) / Bridgeman Images
Types of Cromwellian Soldiery, illustration from The History of the British People published by Waverley, c.1940 (litho), Paget, Walter (1863-1935) / Bridgeman Images
British sailor and soldier taking a ride in a rickshaw through the streets of Durban during a lull in fighting in the Boer War (litho), Paget, Walter (1863-1935) / Bridgeman Images
The passing of Arthur, illustration from Tennyson Pictures published by E P Dutton & Co, c.1900 (colour litho), Paget, Walter (1863-1935) / Bridgeman Images
Illustration by Walter Paget (1863-1935) for the novel “Treasure Island”” by Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) 1900, Paget, Walter (1863-1935) / Bridgeman Images