Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) Assets (47 in total)

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The Sermon of St. Paul at Ephesus, 1649 (oil on canvas)
The Sermon of St. Paul at Ephesus, 1649 (oil on canvas)

XIR198487: The Sermon of St. Paul at Ephesus, 1649 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The Muses, Clio, Euterpe and Thalia, c.1652-55 (oil on panel)
The Muses, Clio, Euterpe and Thalia, c.1652-55 (oil on panel)

XIR71569: The Muses, Clio, Euterpe and Thalia, c.1652-55 (oil on panel), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The Annunciation, before 1652 (oil on canvas)
The Annunciation, before 1652 (oil on canvas)

XIR158293: The Annunciation, before 1652 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The Creation of the World (oil on canvas)
The Creation of the World (oil on canvas)

XIR223485: The Creation of the World (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, 1650 (oil on canvas)
Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, 1650 (oil on canvas)

BI97239: Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, 1650 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Calliope, c.1650-52 (oil on panel)
Calliope, c.1650-52 (oil on panel)

XIR234494: Calliope, c.1650-52 (oil on panel), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The Muses Melpomene, Erato and Polymnia, 1652-55 (oil on canvas)
The Muses Melpomene, Erato and Polymnia, 1652-55 (oil on canvas)

XIR161041: The Muses Melpomene, Erato and Polymnia, 1652-55 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

St. Louis Healing the Sick (oil on canvas)
St. Louis Healing the Sick (oil on canvas)

XIR178318: St. Louis Healing the Sick (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The Mass of St. Martin of Tours, 1654 (oil on canvas)
The Mass of St. Martin of Tours, 1654 (oil on canvas)

XIR90086: The Mass of St. Martin of Tours, 1654 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Terpsichore, 1646-47 (oil on panel)
Terpsichore, 1646-47 (oil on panel)

XIR240237: Terpsichore, 1646-47 (oil on panel), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The Mass of St. Basil (oil on canvas)
The Mass of St. Basil (oil on canvas)

PWI90087: The Mass of St. Basil (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The Death of St. Bruno (1030-1101) 6th October 1101, 1645-48 (oil on canvas)
The Death of St. Bruno (1030-1101) 6th October 1101, 1645-48 (oil on canvas)

XIR168774: The Death of St. Bruno (1030-1101) 6th October 1101, 1645-48 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Venite as me Omnes (oil on canvas)
Venite as me Omnes (oil on canvas)

XIR220093: Venite as me Omnes (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Allegory of a Perfect Minister or, The Minister of State with his Attributes, 1653 (oil on canvas)
Allegory of a Perfect Minister or, The Minister of State with his Attributes, 1653 (oil on canvas)

XIR227683: Allegory of a Perfect Minister or, The Minister of State with his Attributes, 1653 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Darius Hystaspes Opens the Tomb of Nitocris, c.1649
Darius Hystaspes Opens the Tomb of Nitocris, c.1649

BOO73444: Darius Hystaspes Opens the Tomb of Nitocris, c.1649, Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The Prediction of Saint Paul to Ephese, 1649 (oil on canvas)
The Prediction of Saint Paul to Ephese, 1649 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4604386: The Prediction of Saint Paul to Ephese, 1649 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Cupid orders Mercury, messenger of the Gods, to announce the Power of Love to the Universe, 1646-47 (oil on panel)
Cupid orders Mercury, messenger of the Gods, to announce the Power of Love to the Universe, 1646-47 (oil on panel)

XIR192870: Cupid orders Mercury, messenger of the Gods, to announce the Power of Love to the Universe, 1646-47 (oil on panel), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Artist's Reunion (oil on canvas)
Artist's Reunion (oil on canvas)

XIR27635: Artist's Reunion (oil on canvas) , Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

An Allegory of Magnificence, c.1654 (oil on canvas)
An Allegory of Magnificence, c.1654 (oil on canvas)

DAY234990: An Allegory of Magnificence, c.1654 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The Virgin holding the Child in his cradle (black and white pencil on grey paper) (b/w photo)
The Virgin holding the Child in his cradle (black and white pencil on grey paper) (b/w photo)

CND287718: The Virgin holding the Child in his cradle (black and white pencil on grey paper) (b/w photo), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Venus Presenting Cupid to Jupiter (oil on panel)
Venus Presenting Cupid to Jupiter (oil on panel)

PWI90088: Venus Presenting Cupid to Jupiter (oil on panel), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The Muse Urania, 1646-47 (oil on panel)
The Muse Urania, 1646-47 (oil on panel)

XIR404246: The Muse Urania, 1646-47 (oil on panel), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The Annunciation, 17th century (oil on canvas)
The Annunciation, 17th century (oil on canvas)

JLJ4585551: The Annunciation, 17th century (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Paul preaching at Ephesus, 1649 (oil on canvas)
Saint Paul preaching at Ephesus, 1649 (oil on canvas)

FIA5384036: Saint Paul preaching at Ephesus, 1649 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Poliphilus Kneeling before Queen Eleuterylida, c.1643-44 (oil on canvas)
Poliphilus Kneeling before Queen Eleuterylida, c.1643-44 (oil on canvas)

XIR242480: Poliphilus Kneeling before Queen Eleuterylida, c.1643-44 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Descent from the Cross, c.1651 (oil on canvas)
Descent from the Cross, c.1651 (oil on canvas)

XIR232697: Descent from the Cross, c.1651 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images


PFA51959: Deposition, Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The death of Saint Bruno
The death of Saint Bruno

GEG1784448: The death of Saint Bruno, Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Carthusian monk (pencil on paper) (b/w photo)
Carthusian monk (pencil on paper) (b/w photo)

CND164745: Carthusian monk (pencil on paper) (b/w photo), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1641 (oil on canvas)
The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1641 (oil on canvas)

FIA5363169: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1641 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Cupid orders Mercury to announce his power to the universe Hermes has lapsed his attribute, 1646 (oil on canvas)
Cupid orders Mercury to announce his power to the universe Hermes has lapsed his attribute, 1646 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4583567: Cupid orders Mercury to announce his power to the universe Hermes has lapsed his attribute, 1646 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Bruno (1030-1101), founder of the Cartusian order receives a message from Pope Urban II (Urbano 2) (detail), 1645 (oil on canvas)
Saint Bruno (1030-1101), founder of the Cartusian order receives a message from Pope Urban II (Urbano 2) (detail), 1645 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4612918: Saint Bruno (1030-1101), founder of the Cartusian order receives a message from Pope Urban II (Urbano 2) (detail), 1645 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Life of Saint Bruno: The death of Saint Bruno on 6/10/1101, 1645, 48 (oil on canvas)
Life of Saint Bruno: The death of Saint Bruno on 6/10/1101, 1645, 48 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4582348: Life of Saint Bruno: The death of Saint Bruno on 6/10/1101, 1645, 48 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

The Finding of Moses, 1649 (oil on canvas)
The Finding of Moses, 1649 (oil on canvas)

FIA5363895: The Finding of Moses, 1649 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Bruno (1030-1101), founder of the Carthusian Order receives a message from Pope Urban II (Urbano II), 1645 (oil on canvas)
Saint Bruno (1030-1101), founder of the Carthusian Order receives a message from Pope Urban II (Urbano II), 1645 (oil on canvas)

JLJ4658078: Saint Bruno (1030-1101), founder of the Carthusian Order receives a message from Pope Urban II (Urbano II), 1645 (oil on canvas), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

FIA5363174: "Darius opens the tomb of Nitocris", 1649 (painting), Le Sueur, Eustache (1617-55) / Bridgeman Images

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