Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921)

Creator details

Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921)

Assets (19 in total)

Moses  and Aaron - Bible
Adam and Eve cast out of Garden of Eden - Bible
Hannah brings Samuel to Eli, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho)
Naomi and Ruth, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho)
The prodigal son, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho)
Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho)
Saul casts his javelin at David, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho)
Jephthah's daughter comes out to meet her father, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho)
The Adoration, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho)
The tribute money, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho)
Front board design, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho)
Cain and Abel, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho)

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