Hannah brings Samuel to Eli, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
Naomi and Ruth, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
The prodigal son, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
Saul casts his javelin at David, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
Jephthah's daughter comes out to meet her father, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
The Adoration, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
The tribute money, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
Front board design, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
Cain and Abel, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
Isaac blessing Jacob, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
Jesus before Pilate, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
Christ with the doctors in the temple, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
Paul before Festus and Agrippa, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
The sacrifice of Isaac, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images
The wall of Jericho fall down, from Hulbert's Story of the Bible published by The John Winston Company, 1932 (colour litho), Leinweber, Anton Robert (1845-1921) / Bridgeman Images