Indian Tapir, from Wildlife of the World published by Frederick Warne & Co, c.1900 (colour litho), Kuhnert, Wilhelm (1865-1926) / Bridgeman Images
Blue and Yellow Macaw, from Wildlife of the World published by Frederick Warne & Co, c.1900 (colour litho), Kuhnert, Wilhelm (1865-1926) / Bridgeman Images
Black Buck, from Wildlife of the World published by Frederick Warne & Co, c.1900 (colour litho), Kuhnert, Wilhelm (1865-1926) / Bridgeman Images
Pied Hornbill, from Wildlife of the World published by Frederick Warne & Co, c.1900 (colour litho), Kuhnert, Wilhelm (1865-1926) / Bridgeman Images
Emperor Penguin, plate from "Brehms Tierleben: Allgemeine Kunde des Tierreichs", vol.6, p.170, published by Bibliographisches Institut, 1892 (colour litho), Kuhnert, Wilhelm (1865-1926) / Bridgeman Images
Baboon, plate from "Brehms Tierleben: Allgemeine Kunde des Tierreichs", vol.1, p.166, published by Bibliographisches Institut, 1890 (colour litho), Kuhnert, Wilhelm (1865-1926) / Bridgeman Images