Young Women with Guitar and Flutes; Jeunes Femmes a la Guitare et aux Flutes, 1935 (oil on canvas), Laurencin, Marie (1883-1956) / Bridgeman Images
The Poet's Family (Maurice Cremnitz); La Famille du Poete (Maurice Cremnitz), 1909 (oil on canvas), Laurencin, Marie (1883-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of a woman. Painting by Marie Laurencin (1883-1956), oil on canvas, ca. 1930. Art francais 20th century. Museum of Fine Arts in Clermont Ferrand (Clermont-Ferrand)., Laurencin, Marie (1883-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Francis Poulenc's does. World premiere in Monte-Carlo at the Casino de Monte-Carlo on January 6, 1924. Costumes by Marie Laurencin and Choreography by Bronislava Nijinska. Programme coverage. Paris on 20/05/1924., Laurencin, Marie (1883-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Charlotte, illustration from 'The Bronte sisters: Daughters of the wind', by Rene Crevel (1900-35) 1930 (colour litho), Laurencin, Marie (1883-1956) / Bridgeman Images
Emily, illustration from 'The Bronte sisters: Daughters of the wind', by Rene Crevel (1900-35) 1930 (colour litho), Laurencin, Marie (1883-1956) / Bridgeman Images