Called a daughter of William Legge, 1st Earl of Dartmouth so either Lady Barbara Legge, later Lady Bagot (d.1765) or Lady Anne Legge, later Lady Holte (1720-1740), Dahl, Michael (1656-1743) / Bridgeman Images
Lady Dorothy Savile, Countess of Burlington (1699-1758) with her Daughter Lady Dorothy Boyle, later Countess of Euston (1724-1742), Dahl, Michael (1656-1743) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of John Shorter of Bybrook, Kent (c.1684-1746) elder brother of Catherine, Lady Walpole, Dahl, Michael (1656-1743) / Bridgeman Images
Lady Charlotte Herbert (died after 1751), later Lady Charlotte Morris (m. 1723), then Lady Charlotte Williams, Dahl, Michael (1656-1743) / Bridgeman Images
The Artist Hugh Howard (1675-1737) and his Wife, Thomasine Langston Howard, 1723 (oil on canvas), Dahl, Michael (1656-1743) / Bridgeman Images