Siskins and Repoll, from The RSPB Book of Birds pub. by Hamlyn, 1976 (colour litho), Tunnicliffe, Charles Frederick (1901-79) / Bridgeman Images
Great Tit, Blue Tit, Coal Tit and Long Tailed Tit, from Our Bird Book published by Collins, 1947 (colour litho), Tunnicliffe, Charles Frederick (1901-79) / Bridgeman Images
Canada Geese and young, from Our Bird Book published by Collins, 1947 (colour litho), Tunnicliffe, Charles Frederick (1901-79) / Bridgeman Images
Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat, from Our Bird Book published by Collins, 1947 (colour litho), Tunnicliffe, Charles Frederick (1901-79) / Bridgeman Images
True Blue and Kitty, from 'The Cinnamon Bird' by Ronald Lockley, published in 1948 (colour litho), Tunnicliffe, Charles Frederick (1901-79) / Bridgeman Images
Kitty and the Goldfinch, from 'The Cinnamon Bird' by Ronald Lockley, published in 1948 (colour litho), Tunnicliffe, Charles Frederick (1901-79) / Bridgeman Images
The First Nest, from 'The Cinnamon Bird' by Ronald Lockley, published in 1948 (colour litho), Tunnicliffe, Charles Frederick (1901-79) / Bridgeman Images
Bee-hives-sheltered from the North, from Wildlife in a Southern County published by Lutterworth Press, 1949 (litho), Tunnicliffe, Charles Frederick (1901-79) / Bridgeman Images
Farm waggon, from Wildlife in a Southern County published by Lutterworth Press, 1949 (litho), Tunnicliffe, Charles Frederick (1901-79) / Bridgeman Images
Green Woodpecker, from R S P B Book of Birds published by Hamlyn, 1978 (colour litho), Tunnicliffe, Charles Frederick (1901-79) / Bridgeman Images
A Hare: A running shadow with an indistinct outline, from The Way of the Countryman (litho), Tunnicliffe, Charles Frederick (1901-79) / Bridgeman Images