His Imperial Highness Prince Nicholas Alexandrovitch, future Emperor and Tsar Nicholas II, front cover illustration of 'Le Petit Journal', supplement illustre, 11th November 1894 (colour litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images
Jules Cambon (1845-1935) Governor General of Algeria 1871-1897 at the Moroccan frontier, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal' 9th May 1897 (colour litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images
The Panama Affair, from the front page of the illustrated supplement of 'Le Petit Journal', 8th April 1893 (color litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images
Title page depicting the Henry-Picquart duel, opposing officers during the Dreyfus affair, illustration from the illustrated supplement of Le Petit Journal, 20th March, 1898 (colour litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images
Celebration for the Coronation of Tsar Nicolas II (1894-1917) Arrival of the Cortege in Red Square, from 'Le Petit Journal', 31st May 1896 (coloured engraving), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images
General Alfred Amedee Dodds (1842-1922) in Dahomey, from 'Le Petit Journal', 3rd December 1892 (colour litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images
After the election, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal', Supplement Illustre, 2nd September 1893 (colour litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images
The Rescue of a Soldier, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal: Supplement illustre', 13th February 1898 (colour litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images