Meyer, Henri (1841-99) Assets (193 in total)

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Taytou Betel, Empress Consort of Menelik II of Ethiopia , 1896 (print)
Taytou Betel, Empress Consort of Menelik II of Ethiopia , 1896 (print)

LSE4324168: Taytou Betel, Empress Consort of Menelik II of Ethiopia , 1896 (print), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images

Georges Clemenceau juggling with the Pounds Sterling - in “” Le Petite Journal”” of 19/08/1893
Georges Clemenceau juggling with the Pounds Sterling - in “” Le Petite Journal”” of 19/08/1893

LSE4096130: Georges Clemenceau juggling with the Pounds Sterling - in “” Le Petite Journal”” of 19/08/1893, Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images

At Dahomey (now Benin), the capture of Kana - in “” Le Petity Journal”” of 19/11/1892
At Dahomey (now Benin), the capture of Kana - in “” Le Petity Journal”” of 19/11/1892

LSE4098937: At Dahomey (now Benin), the capture of Kana - in “” Le Petity Journal”” of 19/11/1892, Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images

Riots in Bordeaux, 1891 (illustration)
Riots in Bordeaux, 1891 (illustration)

CCI1930832: Riots in Bordeaux, 1891 (illustration), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images

The Saint Jean in Brittany, 1893 (engraving)
The Saint Jean in Brittany, 1893 (engraving)

CCI1796595: The Saint Jean in Brittany, 1893 (engraving), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images

His Imperial Highness Prince Nicholas Alexandrovitch, future Emperor and Tsar Nicholas II, front cover illustration of 'Le Petit Journal', supplement illustre, 11th November 1894 (colour litho)
His Imperial Highness Prince Nicholas Alexandrovitch, future Emperor and Tsar Nicholas II, front cover illustration of 'Le Petit Journal', supplement illustre, 11th November 1894 (colour litho)

XIR442222: His Imperial Highness Prince Nicholas Alexandrovitch, future Emperor and Tsar Nicholas II, front cover illustration of 'Le Petit Journal', supplement illustre, 11th November 1894 (colour litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images

Jules Cambon (1845-1935) Governor General of Algeria 1871-1897 at the Moroccan frontier, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal' 9th May 1897 (colour litho)
Jules Cambon (1845-1935) Governor General of Algeria 1871-1897 at the Moroccan frontier, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal' 9th May 1897 (colour litho)

CHT184947: Jules Cambon (1845-1935) Governor General of Algeria 1871-1897 at the Moroccan frontier, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal' 9th May 1897 (colour litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images

The Panama Affair, from the front page of the illustrated supplement of 'Le Petit Journal', 8th April 1893 (color litho)
The Panama Affair, from the front page of the illustrated supplement of 'Le Petit Journal', 8th April 1893 (color litho)

XIR386249: The Panama Affair, from the front page of the illustrated supplement of 'Le Petit Journal', 8th April 1893 (color litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images

Title page depicting the Henry-Picquart duel, opposing officers during the Dreyfus affair, illustration from the illustrated supplement of Le Petit Journal, 20th March, 1898 (colour litho)
Title page depicting the Henry-Picquart duel, opposing officers during the Dreyfus affair, illustration from the illustrated supplement of Le Petit Journal, 20th March, 1898 (colour litho)

XIR384586: Title page depicting the Henry-Picquart duel, opposing officers during the Dreyfus affair, illustration from the illustrated supplement of Le Petit Journal, 20th March, 1898 (colour litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images

Celebration for the Coronation of Tsar Nicolas II (1894-1917) Arrival of the Cortege in Red Square, from 'Le Petit Journal', 31st May 1896 (coloured engraving)
Celebration for the Coronation of Tsar Nicolas II (1894-1917) Arrival of the Cortege in Red Square, from 'Le Petit Journal', 31st May 1896 (coloured engraving)

XIR220762: Celebration for the Coronation of Tsar Nicolas II (1894-1917) Arrival of the Cortege in Red Square, from 'Le Petit Journal', 31st May 1896 (coloured engraving), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images

General Alfred Amedee Dodds (1842-1922) in Dahomey, from 'Le Petit Journal', 3rd December 1892 (colour litho)
General Alfred Amedee Dodds (1842-1922) in Dahomey, from 'Le Petit Journal', 3rd December 1892 (colour litho)

XIR246061: General Alfred Amedee Dodds (1842-1922) in Dahomey, from 'Le Petit Journal', 3rd December 1892 (colour litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images

After the election, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal', Supplement Illustre, 2nd September 1893 (colour litho)
After the election, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal', Supplement Illustre, 2nd September 1893 (colour litho)

REV279467: After the election, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal', Supplement Illustre, 2nd September 1893 (colour litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images

The Rescue of a Soldier, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal: Supplement illustre', 13th February 1898 (colour litho)
The Rescue of a Soldier, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal: Supplement illustre', 13th February 1898 (colour litho)

STC415959: The Rescue of a Soldier, illustration from 'Le Petit Journal: Supplement illustre', 13th February 1898 (colour litho), Meyer, Henri (1841-99) / Bridgeman Images

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