Everything happened as the Man of Wood had predicted, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
Gazing downward, she saw the camp of the Blackfeet, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
He rode down the wind, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
They arrived at the abode of the Water-god, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho) pub 1914, Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
On the lakes, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
Adventure with a Totem, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
The Lenape come to the Place of Caves, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
"I see thee, I see thee! Thou shalt die", illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho) published 1914, Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
She sang a strange, sweet song, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
He jumped so high that every bone in his body was shaken, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
With one great step he reached the distant headland, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
He seized hold of the hair, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
A Fishing Expedition in Shadow-land, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
He descried a great tepee, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
"Will you carry us over the river?" she asked, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
He suddenly assumed the shape of a gigantic porcupine, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
He leaned his shoulder against the rock, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
He lit the pipe and placed it in the mouth of the skeleton, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
Sin takes the form of a woodpecker, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
Glooskap brought all his magical resources to his aid, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
Once more the Rabbit entered, disguised as a man, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
Algon carries the Captured Maiden home to his Lodge, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
Soon the dancing commenced, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
The War-chief kills the Monster Rattlesnake, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
He emerged in his own country, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images
The mists came down, and with them the Supernatural People, illustration from 'Myths and Legends of the North-American Indians' by Lewis Spence (colour litho), Jack, James (fl. 1914) / Bridgeman Images