Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) Assets (36 in total)
A Weaver, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Wolack, river craft for transport of goods, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Head Servant, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Man smoking a hookah of hashish or opium, from 'Les Hindous ou la Description de leurs Moeurs Coutumes et Ceremonies', pub. 1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
A causto (clerk/scribe), from 'Les Hindous ou la Description de leurs Moeurs Coutumes et Ceremonies', pub. 1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
'Houalouays', a confectioner or pastry cook, from 'Les Hindous ou la Description de leurs Moeurs Coutumes et Ceremonies', pub. 1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
D'jehalledar, or canopied bed conveyance with extra-long front, from 'The Manners, Customs and Dresses of The Hindus', 1799 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Badjera, a cabined river craft with a large paddle rudder, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
A snake catcher, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Butter-man, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Shopkeeper selling pots, bananas and grains, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Rope Maker, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
A Rahjah with attendants, from 'Les Hindous ou la Description de leurs Moeurs Coutumes at Ceremonies', pub. 1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Groom, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Whisk bearer, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
A cobbler, from 'Les Hindous ou la Description de leurs Moeurs Coutumes et Ceremonies', pub. 1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Breadmaker, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Carpenter, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
A painter and sculptor, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
T'chanpal, reclining palanquin with curved and tasselled carrier, from 'The Manners, Customs and Dresses of The Hindus', 1799 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Hindu valet or buyer of food, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Palanquin seat, from 'The Manners, Customs and Dresses of The Hindus', 1799 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Wine maker and dealer, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Mace Bearer, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Hookah Burdar, or Huka Bearer, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Grocer outside his shop with wares in sacks, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Landholder, high class Hindu, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Porter of the Ouriah caste, from 'Les Hindous ou la Description de leurs Moeurs Coutumes et Ceremonies', pub. 1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Armed guard of the Brijbasis tribe, often used by travellers as escort, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Customs and Ceremonies, c.1808-12 (hand-coloured engraving), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Flowermen, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Money-changer at his shop, his clerk recording transactions and a pet cockatiel, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Shopkeepers: a confectioner, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Sailor, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Hindu servant cutting grass, 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Majanah, or covered reclining palanquin, from 'The Manners, Customs and Dresses of The Hindus', 1799 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images
Bengali serving as a porter with a palanquin taxi in the background, from 'The Hindus, or the Description of their Manners, Costumes and Ceremonies', c.1808-12 (coloured etching), Solvyns, Franz Balthazar (1760-1824) / Bridgeman Images