ELD4894204: Alley between avenue de Versailles and the bank of the Seine, Auteuil, paris (Alley between avenue de Versailles and seine river, Auteuil district, Paris) Drawing by Gustave Frainpont (1849-1923) draws from Saint-Juirs, 1890 Collection privee, Fraipont, Gustave (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4894294: Embarcadere des Bateaux-mouches (Bateaux-mouches) sur la Seine, Paris (View of the tourist boats pier on the seine river, Paris) Drawing by Gustave Fraipont (1849-1923) draws from Saint-Juirs's “” La seine a travers Paris”, 1890 Private collection, Fraipont, Gustave (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4893747: Megisseries de la rue du pot-au-lait dans le quartier du Pete Gentilly sur les bords de la Bievre a Paris (View of the Bievre river and leather tawing (tawering) stalls in the Pete Gentilly district, Paris) Drawing by Gustave Fraipont (1849-1923) from Saint-Juirs, 1890 Collection privee, Fraipont, Gustave (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4893247: Le chargement des pommes dans les wagons, quai de Bercy, Paris (Dockers charging apples in cars on the quai de Bercy, Paris) Drawing by Gustave Fraipont (1849-1923) draws from “La seine a travers Paris” by Saint-Juirs, 1890 Collection privee, Fraipont, Gustave (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4894966: View of the Hotel de la Valletta on the Quai des Celestins, Paris (View of the Hotel Valette on the quai des Celestins, Paris) Drawing by Gustave Fraipont (1849-1923) draws from Saint-Juirs's “” La seine a travers Paris”, 1890 Collection privee, Fraipont, Gustave (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4894881: Les marchands de bout de cigare dans quartier Maubert, Paris (Street merchants of cigar and cigarettes tips, Maubert district, Paris) Drawing by Gustave Fraipont (1849-1923) draws from “La seine a travers Paris” by Saint-Juirs, 1890 Collection privee, Fraipont, Gustave (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4136160: Fire of the Opera Comique (Opera-Comique) in Paris on 25 May 1887 during the performance of Ambroise Thomas's first act of “Mignon”. The inner ruins. Illustration by Gustave Fraipont (1849 -1923) Engraving of 1887 in “” Paris-Illustrous journal weekly””., Fraipont, Gustave (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4895032: View of the canal Saint-Denis and quai de la Gironde a la Villette, Paris (View of the canal saint Denis and quai de la Gironde in the Villette district, paris) Drawing by Gustave Fraipont (1849-1923) from Saint-Juirs, 1890 Private collection, Fraipont, Gustave (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4894252: Atelier de repparation des bateau omnibus (Bateau-bus) à Paris (Water buses (commuter boats) repair workshops on the seine river in Paris) Drawing by Gustave Fraipont (1849-1923) draws from “La seine a travers Paris” by Saint-Juirs, 1890 Collection privee, Fraipont, Gustave (1849-1923) / Bridgeman Images