Portrait of the dolphin Charles Orlant son of Charles VIII and Anne of Brittany, 1494 (oil on canvas), Hey, Jean (fl.1494) / Bridgeman Images
Peter II of Bourbon with Saint Peter, detail. Triptych of the master of Moulins, 1502 (tgempera on wood), Hey, Jean (fl.1494) / Bridgeman Images
Presume Portrait Of Madeleine Of Burgundy, Lady Of Laage Presented By Sainte Madeleine, 15th century (oil on canvas), Hey, Jean (fl.1494) / Bridgeman Images
Anne de Beaujeu and her daughter Suzanne, with Sainte Anne, detail. Triptych of the master of Moulins, 1502 (tgempera on wood), Hey, Jean (fl.1494) / Bridgeman Images