Puff, Puff, It is an Age of Puffing, Puff, Puff, Puff, published September 1827 by Thomas McLean, London (coloured etching), Heath, William (1795-1840) / Bridgeman Images
Intelligence of the Battle of Ligny, aquatint by J.C. Stadler, pub. by Tegg, Apr 1818 (aquatint), Heath, William (1795-1840) / Bridgeman Images
La Poule. Quadrille - Evening Fashions, Dedicated to the HEADS of the Nation, 1827 (hand-coloured engraving), Heath, William (1795-1840) / Bridgeman Images
Glorious Return of the Pride of Westminster and his Flunkey, from the series 'Election Squibs and Crackers', 1830 (hand-coloured engraving), Heath, William (1795-1840) / Bridgeman Images
Robertena Peelena the Maid of All Work, no. 4 from the series 'Household Servants', published in 1829 (coloured engraving), Heath, William (1795-1840) / Bridgeman Images
Morning, Noon, Night, published by Thomas McLean, London (coloured etching) (see also 188367), Heath, William (1795-1840) / Bridgeman Images
'A slap at the Charleys or a Tom & Jerry lark, vide New Poliece Bill', 1829 (hand-coloured etching), Heath, William (1795-1840) / Bridgeman Images
Battle of Waterloo, 18 June 1815, aquatint by J. C. Stadler, published by Thomas Tegg, 1 April 1818 (coloured aquatint), Heath, William (1795-1840) / Bridgeman Images
Horse Guards Blue, Uniform study of Royal Regiment of Horse Guards, 1820 (coloured aquatint), Heath, William (1795-1840) / Bridgeman Images