Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) Assets (64 in total)
Class in English or penmanship, Carlisle Indian School, Carlisle, Pa., 1901 (b/w photo), Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Edith Wharton's French villa at St. Brice-sous-Forêt, with garden in foreground. 1925 photograph by Frances Benjamin Johnston, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Carlisle Indian School, Carlisle, Pa. Two Native Americans boys studying in dormitory room. Cyanotype by Frances Benjamin Johnston c. 1901, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Ill.: Palace of Mechanic Arts and lagoon. Photo by Frances Benjamin Johnston, 1892, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Alice Roosevelt (1884-1980), wearing fashionable lace dress and flowers in her hair. 1903 portrait by Frances Benjamin Johnston, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Archie Roosevelt (1894-1979), the fourth child of president Theodore Roosevelt and his second wife, Edith, on a pony, Algonquin. 1902 photo by Frances Benjamin Johnston, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Modern dance group of young women performing outdoors. c. 1900. Photo by Johnston, Frances Benjamin, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Frances Benjamin Johnston (1854-1951), was one of the first American women to achieve prominence as a photographer. c. 1925, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Eva Gamble Walborn (b. 1874), an American women photographer in the circle of Frances Benjamin Johnston. She was included in Johnston's lectures, 'American Women Photographers in 1900.', Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Frances Folsom Cleveland (1864-1947), the youngest First Lady married 49 year old President Grover Cleveland (1837-1908) in 1886. February 1897 portrait by Frances Benjamin Johnston, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Young women reading in library of a Washington, D.C. normal schools that trained elementary-school teachers. 1900 photography by Frances Benjamin Johnston Collection, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Native Americans during mathematics class at Indian School, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 1901 (b/w photo), Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Edith et Quentin Roosevelt: First Lady Edith Roosevelt, with youngest son, Quentin, in a 1903 portrait by Frances Benjamin Johnston., Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Frances Benjamin Johnston selling tintypes at a Virginia County fair, May 1903 (b/w photo), Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Archie Roosevelt: Archie Roosevelt (1894-1979), the fourth child of president Theodore Roosevelt and his second wife, Edith, on a pony, Algonquin. 1902 photo by Frances Benjamin Johnston., Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Quentin Roosevelt et Archie Roosevelt: Quentin Roosevelt and Archie Roosevelt join the White House Police for inspection. 1902 photography by Frances Benjamin Johnston., Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Quentin Roosevelt and Archie Roosevelt join the White House Police for inspection. 1902 photo by Frances Benjamin Johnston, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Santa Barbara Mission, 2201 Laguna Street, Santa Barbara, California. Fountain and entrance facade, 1927. Photo by Frances Benjamin Johnston, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Alice Roosevelt (1884-1980), at the age of 18 in a fashionable coat and hat. 1902 portrait by Frances Benjamin Johnston, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Alice Roosevelt (1884-1980), wearing hat and fur with muff, at the age of 18. 1902 portrait by Frances Benjamin Johnston, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Outdoor modern dance performance with dancers in classical drapery, in Long Island, New York. Photo by Frances Benjamin Johnston, c. 1910, Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images
Male Native American students in physical education class, Carlisle Indian School, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, c.1901-03 (b/w photo), Johnston, Frances Benjamin (1864-1952) / Bridgeman Images