Portrait of Juvenal (Decimus Iunius Iuuenalis) (Decimo Giunio Giovenale) Latin satirical poet from the end of the 1st century. Xylography of “” Chronicles of Nuremberg”” by Hartmann Schedel, 1497., Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Representation of Catilina (Lucius Sergius Catilina) (108-62 BC), a Roman politician who conspired against the Senate. Engraving from “” Liber chronicarum”” by Hartmann Schedel, 1493, Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Representation of the Pythia of Delphi. Xilography from “Liber chronicarum” by Hartmann Schedel, Nuremberg 1497, Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) (65-8 BC), Latin poet. In “” Liber Chronicarum”” by Hartmann Schedel. 1497, Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
The Nuremberg Chronicle (Liber Chronicarum) by Hartmann Schedel. 1493. Engraving. The Adoration of the Golden Calft. Moses angry, sheds the two Tablets of Stone. Colored., Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of the Greek philosopher Heraclite of Ephese (Heraclitus of Ephesus, 576-480 BC). Xylography of “” Chronicles of Nuremberg”” by Hartmann Schedel, 1497., Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Germany: Watercolour illustration of Frederick III (1415-1493), 28th Holy Roman emperor, and Pope Pius II (1405-1464), from the Nuremberg Chronicle by Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514), 1493, Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Saint Seraphia (Serapia) (Seraphia of Syria), Christian martyr of the 2nd century. From “” Chronicles of Nuremberg”” by Hartmann Schedel, 1497, Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Noah's Ark, illustration from the Latin edition of the Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493 (hand-coloured engraving), Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Moses and Joshua descending from Mount Sinai with the tablets of the Law broken (coloured engraving), Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Elijah rises in a chariot of fire, leaving his estate to Elisee. Hartmann Schedel: Chronicle of Nuremberg. Nuremberg 1497, Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
The Council of Nicea. Illustration of “” Universal Chronicles of Nuremberg”” by H. Schedel, 1497. Wood engraving., Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Representation of the evangelist Saint Mark. Engraving from “Liber chronicarum” (Nuremberg chronicles) by Hartmann Schedel 1493, Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Representation of the Evangelist Saint Luke. Engraving from “Liber chronicarum” (Nuremberg chronicles) by Hartmann Schedel 1493, Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
A pilgrim stops in a monastery during his journey after Hartmann Schedel's “Nuremberg Chronicle”, 1497., Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of the Latin poet Virgil (70 BC - 19 BC). Xylography of “” Chronicles of Nuremberg”” by Hartmann Schedel, 1497., Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of Saint Petronilla. Xylography after “The Nuremberg Chronicles” by Hartmann Schedel. Nuremberg 1497, Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Family tree, Jesse's tree; Nuremberg chronicle, 1493 - in “” Liber Cronicarum... “”, H. Schedel, ed. Anton Koberger, 12 July 1493., Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
The King, the Witch and the Berkeley Toad by William of Malmesbury “” Representation of the Berkeley Witch exhumed from the coffin by the demons””” Engraving from Hartmann Schedel “” Liber chronicarum”” Nuremberg 1493, Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Representation of the Virgin and Martyrdom Thecle of Iconium (Santa Tecla) Xylography of “” Chronicles of Nuremberg””” by Hartmann Schedel, 1497., Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Old Testament: Moses broken the tables of the law and the Israelites adoring the Golden calf, Liber Chronicarum, 15th century (engraving), Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Representation of the Roman politician Lucius Cornelius Sulla (Silla or Sylla) (138-68 BC) Xylography of “” Chronicles of Nuremberg”” by Hartmann Schedel, 1497., Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of the Greek philosopher Heraclite of Ephese (576-480 BC) (Heraclitus of Ephesus). Xylography of “” Chronicles of Nuremberg”” by Hartmann Schedel, 1497., Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Cyrus II (529 BC), known as Cyrus the Great, founder of the Persian Empire, Xylography of “” Chronicles of Nuremberg”” by Hartmann Schedel, 1497., Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images
Representation of Anaximandros or Anaximander De Miletus (610 - 547 BC), Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer Xylography of “” Chronicles of Nuremberg”” by Hartmann Schedel, 1497., Schedel, Hartmann (1440-1514) / Bridgeman Images