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FIA5410318: The Authors Alexander Aleksandrovich Izmailov (1873-1921), 1912 (silver gelatin photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410318
The Authors Alexander Aleksandrovich Izmailov (1873-1921), 1912 (silver gelatin photo)
Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963)
FIA5410525: Meeting Near The Temporal Memorial "Proletarian Labor", 1922 (photograph), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410525
Meeting Near The Temporal Memorial "Proletarian Labor", 1922 (photograph)
FIA5410544: Russian Civil War: Semion Military Commanders Mikhailovitch Boudienny, 1920 (photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410544
Russian Civil War: Semion Military Commanders Mikhailovitch Boudienny, 1920 (photo)
FIA5410571: Stalin - General Secretary of the Communist Party of Russia's Central Committee, 1935-1937 (photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410571
Stalin - General Secretary of the Communist Party of Russia's Central Committee, 1935-1937 (photo)
FIA5410579: Semion Budionny, 1925 (photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410579
Semion Budionny, 1925 (photo)
FIA5410590: Turkmenian Factory-Factory School Students at Work, 1927 (photograph), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410590
Turkmenian Factory-Factory School Students at Work, 1927 (photograph)
FIA5410616: Russian Civil War. First Cavalry Army Unit Camping, 1920 (photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410616
Russian Civil War. First Cavalry Army Unit Camping, 1920 (photo)
FIA5410622: Russian civil war: arrived from workers on the military base, 1919 (photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410622
Russian civil war: arrived from workers on the military base, 1919 (photo)
FIA5410642: Russian civil war: portrait of Alexander Dmitrievich Tsiuryupa (1870-1928), 1919 (photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410642
Russian civil war: portrait of Alexander Dmitrievich Tsiuryupa (1870-1928), 1919 (photo)
FIA5410647: German Communist Max Hoelz (Holz), 1928 (photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410647
German Communist Max Hoelz (Holz), 1928 (photo)
FIA5410676: Great Patriotic War (Eastern Front during the second world war), 1941 (photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410676
Great Patriotic War (Eastern Front during the second world war), 1941 (photo)
FIA5410681: Great Patriotic War (Eastern Front during the second world war), 1941 (photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410681
XBH366621: The July Demonstration in Petrograd, 1917 (b/w photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XBH366621
The July Demonstration in Petrograd, 1917 (b/w photo)
XBH366636: Parade of the Young Communist International (b/w photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XBH366636
Parade of the Young Communist International (b/w photo)
XBH366640: The French novelist, journalist and communist Henri Barbusse (b/w photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XBH366640
The French novelist, journalist and communist Henri Barbusse (b/w photo)
FIA5410486: Vladimir Ilych Lenin (1870-1924), 1922 (photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410486
Vladimir Ilych Lenin (1870-1924), 1922 (photo)
FIA5410504: Aeronautic Machine, 1920s (photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410504
Aeronautic Machine, 1920s (photo)
FIA5410507: Russian civil war: Portrait of Valerian Vladimirovitch Kouibychev (1888-1935), 1919-63 (photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410507
Russian civil war: Portrait of Valerian Vladimirovitch Kouibychev (1888-1935), 1919-63 (photo)
FIA5410534: Cavalry Corps Commandant Grigory Ivanovich Kotovsky, 1925 (photo), Otsup, Pyotr Adolfovich (1883-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5410534
Cavalry Corps Commandant Grigory Ivanovich Kotovsky, 1925 (photo)