Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) Assets (13 in total)

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Court Ball at the Hofburg, 1900 (w/c)
Court Ball at the Hofburg, 1900 (w/c)

XAM46270: Court Ball at the Hofburg, 1900 (w/c), Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) / Bridgeman Images

The Viennese Ball
The Viennese Ball

XAM46269: The Viennese Ball, Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) / Bridgeman Images

The Washermaid's Ball, 1898
The Washermaid's Ball, 1898

TOP2977: The Washermaid's Ball, 1898, Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) / Bridgeman Images

Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria (1830-1916) at his writing desk at Jagdrock (pencil)
Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria (1830-1916) at his writing desk at Jagdrock (pencil)

XAM70742: Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria (1830-1916) at his writing desk at Jagdrock (pencil), Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) / Bridgeman Images

Party on the Ice, 1909 (oil on canvas)
Party on the Ice, 1909 (oil on canvas)

FIA5402739: Party on the Ice, 1909 (oil on canvas), Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) / Bridgeman Images

Viennese humour in a camp of reservists in the Carpathian mountains (litho)
Viennese humour in a camp of reservists in the Carpathian mountains (litho)

LLM978934: Viennese humour in a camp of reservists in the Carpathian mountains (litho), Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) / Bridgeman Images

The Student Brasserie of the Thuringer Hof in Leipzig, c.1900 (colour litho)
The Student Brasserie of the Thuringer Hof in Leipzig, c.1900 (colour litho)

CHT249400: The Student Brasserie of the Thuringer Hof in Leipzig, c.1900 (colour litho), Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) / Bridgeman Images

Representation of a ballet: “Pygmalion” by J. Troubetzkoy. Vienna Opera, 1882. Engraving by Gause In “” The Illustrous World”” n°1294 of 14 January 1882.
Representation of a ballet: “Pygmalion” by J. Troubetzkoy. Vienna Opera, 1882. Engraving by Gause In “” The Illustrous World”” n°1294 of 14 January 1882.

XEE4176154: Representation of a ballet: “Pygmalion” by J. Troubetzkoy. Vienna Opera, 1882. Engraving by Gause In “” The Illustrous World”” n°1294 of 14 January 1882., Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) / Bridgeman Images

The Ball of the City of Vienna; Austria (colour litho)
The Ball of the City of Vienna; Austria (colour litho)

LLM5999588: The Ball of the City of Vienna; Austria (colour litho), Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) / Bridgeman Images

At the Vienna International Art Exhibition of 1882, 1882 (oil on paper laid on canvas)
At the Vienna International Art Exhibition of 1882, 1882 (oil on paper laid on canvas)

DAH226255: At the Vienna International Art Exhibition of 1882, 1882 (oil on paper laid on canvas), Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) / Bridgeman Images

Festival celebrating the artist Peter von Cornelius in the Malkastenpark, Dusseldorf, Germany (engraving)
Festival celebrating the artist Peter von Cornelius in the Malkastenpark, Dusseldorf, Germany (engraving)

LLM6001360: Festival celebrating the artist Peter von Cornelius in the Malkastenpark, Dusseldorf, Germany (engraving), Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) / Bridgeman Images

Visit of Franz Joseph of Austria to a military hospital in Vienna (litho)
Visit of Franz Joseph of Austria to a military hospital in Vienna (litho)

LLM978966: Visit of Franz Joseph of Austria to a military hospital in Vienna (litho), Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) / Bridgeman Images

Wounded Hungarians, shot down in Russian Poland (litho)
Wounded Hungarians, shot down in Russian Poland (litho)

LLM978952: Wounded Hungarians, shot down in Russian Poland (litho), Gause, Wilhelm (1853-1916) / Bridgeman Images

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