Study of human figures in different positions; drawing by Leonardo da Vinci. The Louvre, Paris, Vinci, Leonardo da (1452-1519) / Bridgeman Images
Study of the face of the infant St. John for the Madonna of the Rocks; drawing by Leonardo da Vinci. The Louvre, Paris, Vinci, Leonardo da (1452-1519) / Bridgeman Images
Landscape of the Arno Valley, pen on paper, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Cabinet of Drawings and Prints, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Vinci, Leonardo da (1452-1519) / Bridgeman Images
Youth's head; drawing by Leonardo da Vinci. Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Vinci, Leonardo da (1452-1519) / Bridgeman Images
The back of a landscape drawing with the figure of a soldier: pen drawing by Leonardo da Vinci. Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Vinci, Leonardo da (1452-1519) / Bridgeman Images