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AHK1079620: The soloist and quiet Gondolier, 2004 ( Venice ), Hewkin, Andrew / Bridgeman Images
ID: AHK1079620
The soloist and quiet Gondolier, 2004 ( Venice )
Hewkin, Andrew
AHK1079621: AZ and two noughts ( the definition of logic ) Barbados, Hewkin, Andrew / Bridgeman Images
ID: AHK1079621
AZ and two noughts ( the definition of logic ) Barbados
AHK1079623: diamonds were a girls best friend ( oil on panel ), Hewkin, Andrew / Bridgeman Images
ID: AHK1079623
diamonds were a girls best friend ( oil on panel )
AHK5054872: The ultimate Voyeur, inbetween the devil and the deep blue sea, 2017 (oil on canvas), Hewkin, Andrew / Bridgeman Images
ID: AHK5054872
The ultimate Voyeur, inbetween the devil and the deep blue sea, 2017 (oil on canvas)
AHK348257: Fashion shoot, The Death of Versace, 2001 (oil on canvas), Hewkin, Andrew / Bridgeman Images
ID: AHK348257
Fashion shoot, The Death of Versace, 2001 (oil on canvas)
AHK348259: The Matadors Mistress, 1997 (oil on canvas), Hewkin, Andrew / Bridgeman Images
ID: AHK348259
The Matadors Mistress, 1997 (oil on canvas)
AHK348276: Dancing shadows , Still Life Regatta, 1990 (oil on canvas), Hewkin, Andrew / Bridgeman Images
ID: AHK348276
Dancing shadows , Still Life Regatta, 1990 (oil on canvas)
AHK348280: Dancing with diplomacy ( Japan ), 1997 (oil on canvas), Hewkin, Andrew / Bridgeman Images
ID: AHK348280
Dancing with diplomacy ( Japan ), 1997 (oil on canvas)
AHK404970: Stolen to Order no 1, Cape Town collection, 1997 (oil on canvas), Hewkin, Andrew / Bridgeman Images
ID: AHK404970
Stolen to Order no 1, Cape Town collection, 1997 (oil on canvas)