The Transept at the Great Industrial Exhibition of 1851, plate 4 from 'Dickenson's Comprehensive Pictures' (colour litho), Nash, Joseph (1809-78) / Bridgeman Images
Blind Man's Buff, played in Athelhampton Hall, mid 1600s, from 'Architecture of the Middle Ages', published 1838 (colour litho), Nash, Joseph (1809-78) / Bridgeman Images
The British Nave at the Great Industrial Exhibition of 1851, plate 3 from 'Dickenson's Comprehensive Pictures' (colour litho), Nash, Joseph (1809-78) / Bridgeman Images
Little Moreton Hall, Cheshire, from 'The Mansions of England in the Olden Time', 1839-40 (hand-coloured litho);, Nash, Joseph (1809-78) / Bridgeman Images
Waiting for the Queen at Coalbrookdale gates, from 'Dickinson's Comprehensive Pictures of the Great Exhibition of 1851', published 1854 (colour litho), Nash, Joseph (1809-78) / Bridgeman Images
Squire with his dogs by the hearth, Southam Delabere, Gloucestershire, from 'Architecture of the Middle Ages', published 1838 (colour litho), Nash, Joseph (1809-78) / Bridgeman Images
The Queen and Louis-Philippe entering St Georges Hall from the south-east, 9 October 1844 (w/c on paper), Nash, Joseph (1809-78) / Bridgeman Images
Grand Elizabethan staircase, Aldermaston, Berkshire, from 'Architecture of the Middle Ages', published 1838 (colour litho), Nash, Joseph (1809-78) / Bridgeman Images
From 'Dickinson's Comprehensive Pictures of the Great Exhibition of 1851', published 1854 The Inauguration, 1 May 1851 (coloured lithograph), Nash, Joseph (1809-78) / Bridgeman Images
Bat game in the Grand Hall, Parham Park, Sussex, c.1600 from 'Architecture of the Middle Ages', published 1838 (colour litho), Nash, Joseph (1809-78) / Bridgeman Images
Medieval family supper, Wakehurst Place, Surrey, c.1600 from 'Architecture of the Middle Ages', published 1838 (colour litho), Nash, Joseph (1809-78) / Bridgeman Images
The Chamber, Hampton Court, from 'Architecture of the Middle Ages', published 1838 (colour litho), Nash, Joseph (1809-78) / Bridgeman Images