"No,not the Estates, buy you, you, you, illustration from 'Romance of History: The Netherlands ', 1920's (colour litho), McCormick, Arthur David (1860-1943) / Bridgeman Images
The Prince of Orange knew no greater moment than this, illustration from 'Romance of History: The Netherlands ', 1920's (colour litho), McCormick, Arthur David (1860-1943) / Bridgeman Images
Hawke, illustration from 'Drake's Drum and Other Songs of the Sea' by Henry Newbolt (1862-1938) (colour litho), McCormick, Arthur David (1860-1943) / Bridgeman Images
The Fighting Temeraire, illustration from 'Drake's Drum and Other Songs of the Sea' by Henry Newbolt (1862-1938) (colour litho), McCormick, Arthur David (1860-1943) / Bridgeman Images