ELD4861871: The young Charlemagne (742-814) with his mother Bertrade de Laon (720-783) nicknamed Berthe au grand pied around 752) (The Frankish Queen Bertrada of Laon (bertha broadfoot) with her son Charles, 752 ca) Illustration by Edouard Francois Zier in Nours-Glois-nationales” 1920 Private Collection, Zier, Edouard Francois (1856-1924) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4861892: The king of the Francs Charlemagne (742-814) gives his nephew the sword Durandal (The Frankish King Charles the great gives to his nephew the sword Durendal) Illustration by Edouard Francois Zier in “” Our-glories-nationales”” 1920 Private collection, Zier, Edouard Francois (1856-1924) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4861996: The Chevalier Roland a Roncesvaux sounding the olifant - Roland, driving the rear guard of Charlemagne's army, was surprised by the Vascons on 15 August 778 - He then sounded his horn, too late for the king to lend him assistance (Roland, covered with wounds, sounds his horn Olifant to call for help) Illustration by Edouard Francois Zier in ““Our gloves- national”” 1920 Private collection, Zier, Edouard Francois (1856-1924) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4861969: The Paladin Roland tries to break his dope Durandal on a rock so that it does not fall into the hands of the Saracens at the Battle of Roncesvaux, the rock se romp thus opening Roland's breche in 778 (The creation of breche of Roland by Count Roland with his sword Durendal in an attempt to destroy that sword, after being defeated during the Battle of Roncesvalles in 778) Illustration by Edouard Francois Zier in Our-glories-nationales”” 1920 Private collection, Zier, Edouard Francois (1856-1924) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4332316: The fountain has Nazareth. Engraving by E.Zier, to illustrate the story La Syria d'aujourd'hui, by M. Lortet, dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Lyon, charged with a scientific mission by the Ministry of Public Education, published in the Tour du monde, under the direction of Edouard Charton (1807-1890), 1881, Paris. Selva Collection., Zier, Edouard Francois (1856-1924) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4159408: “” The King of the Francs Charlemagne (742-814) talking to Alcuin (731-804), English monk from York, forerunner of the reform of the school, Aachen 782” (Portrait of king of Franks Charles the great (Charlemagne) and his adviser Alcuin of York (Ealhwine, Albinus or Flaccus) English scholar, ecclus) esiastic in Aachen, 782) - Illustration of Francois Zier (1856-1924) taken from “Nos-Gloriers-Nationales” around 1920, Zier, Edouard Francois (1856-1924) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4159409: Charlemagne (742-814) crowned by Pope Leo III (c750-816) at St Peter's basilica in Rome on 25th December 800 - Sacred (Coronation) of Charlemagne (742-814) in 800 by Pope Leon III - Illustration of Francois Zier (1856-1924) taken from “Our Glory-Nationals” around 1920, Zier, Edouard Francois (1856-1924) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4862774: King Henry IV of France (1553-1610) secretly passing bags of flour to supply the hungry Parisian population at the siege of Paris in 1590 (King Henry IV of France (1553-1610) secretly provides starving people of Paris in flour during the siege of Paris in 1590) Illustration by Edouard Zier in “” Nos-Gloriers-Nationales”” 1920 Collection private, Zier, Edouard Francois (1856-1924) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4332445: Mesopotamie dancer and musicians, in Saint Jean d'Acre. Engraving by E.Zier, to illustrate the story La Syria d'aujourd'hui, by M. Lortet, dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Lyon, charged with a scientific mission by the Ministry of Public Education, published in the Tour du monde, under the direction of Edouard Charton (1807-1890), 1881, Paris. Selva Collection., Zier, Edouard Francois (1856-1924) / Bridgeman Images