Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) Assets (843 in total)

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The Prodigal Son, 1496 (engraving)
The Prodigal Son, 1496 (engraving)

CH1767108: The Prodigal Son, 1496 (engraving), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

The Virgin and Child with the Pear, 1511 (engraving)
The Virgin and Child with the Pear, 1511 (engraving)

XDM1068220: The Virgin and Child with the Pear, 1511 (engraving), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Madonna with the Monkey, c.1498 (engraving)
Madonna with the Monkey, c.1498 (engraving)

STM752803: Madonna with the Monkey, c.1498 (engraving), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

The Lady of the sun, 1498 (colour woodcut)
The Lady of the sun, 1498 (colour woodcut)

XOT361703: The Lady of the sun, 1498 (colour woodcut), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Virgin and Child with infant St John, c.1518 (pen & ink on paper)
Virgin and Child with infant St John, c.1518 (pen & ink on paper)

XBP335612: Virgin and Child with infant St John, c.1518 (pen & ink on paper), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Study of a human skull, 1521 (pen & ink and chalk on paper)
Study of a human skull, 1521 (pen & ink and chalk on paper)

BBC189905: Study of a human skull, 1521 (pen & ink and chalk on paper), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

The Madonna of the Wall, 1514 (Burin engraving)
The Madonna of the Wall, 1514 (Burin engraving)

LRI5890610: The Madonna of the Wall, 1514 (Burin engraving), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

St Philip the apostle (tempera on wood, 1516)
St Philip the apostle (tempera on wood, 1516)

LRI4605428: St Philip the apostle (tempera on wood, 1516), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Adam (oil on wood, 1507)
Adam (oil on wood, 1507)

LRI4605430: Adam (oil on wood, 1507), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Altarpiece Paumgartner: “” Saint Eustachius”” Painting by Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) 1504 approx. Sun. 157x61 cm Munich, Alte Pinakothek
Altarpiece Paumgartner: “” Saint Eustachius”” Painting by Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) 1504 approx. Sun. 157x61 cm Munich, Alte Pinakothek

LRI4663437: Altarpiece Paumgartner: “” Saint Eustachius”” Painting by Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) 1504 approx. Sun. 157x61 cm Munich, Alte Pinakothek, Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Christ, Man of Sorrow, with Durer’s Features, 1522 (lead pen on paper)
Christ, Man of Sorrow, with Durer’s Features, 1522 (lead pen on paper)

HIM6867921: Christ, Man of Sorrow, with Durer’s Features, 1522 (lead pen on paper), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Adoration of the Magi, by Albrecht Durer, 1504, 16th Century (oil on fir panel), cm 100 x 114
Adoration of the Magi, by Albrecht Durer, 1504, 16th Century (oil on fir panel), cm 100 x 114

MEB3612483: Adoration of the Magi, by Albrecht Durer, 1504, 16th Century (oil on fir panel), cm 100 x 114, Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Adoration of the Magi, by Albrecht Durer, 1504, 16th Century (oil on fir panel), cm 100 x 114
Adoration of the Magi, by Albrecht Durer, 1504, 16th Century (oil on fir panel), cm 100 x 114

MEB3612489: Adoration of the Magi, by Albrecht Durer, 1504, 16th Century (oil on fir panel), cm 100 x 114, Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Young Man, 1507 (oil on panel)
Young Man, 1507 (oil on panel)

XAM70454: Young Man, 1507 (oil on panel), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

A Roman soldier mocking Christ, with the artist's name in Latin above, and below a poem berating man for his sins, titlepage to the series 'The Great Passion', pub. 1511 (woodcut)
A Roman soldier mocking Christ, with the artist's name in Latin above, and below a poem berating man for his sins, titlepage to the series 'The Great Passion', pub. 1511 (woodcut)

XAM77564: A Roman soldier mocking Christ, with the artist's name in Latin above, and below a poem berating man for his sins, titlepage to the series 'The Great Passion', pub. 1511 (woodcut), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

The Triumphal Arch of Emperor Maximilian I of Germany (1459-1519): detail of a deer-skin with an inscription lauding the Emperor's family connections, with a floppy-eared goat, symbol of acuteness of hearing alluding to the emperor's alertness, pub. 1517/18 (woodcut)
The Triumphal Arch of Emperor Maximilian I of Germany (1459-1519): detail of a deer-skin with an inscription lauding the Emperor's family connections, with a floppy-eared goat, symbol of acuteness of hearing alluding to the emperor's alertness, pub. 1517/18 (woodcut)

XAM77573: The Triumphal Arch of Emperor Maximilian I of Germany (1459-1519): detail of a deer-skin with an inscription lauding the Emperor's family connections, with a floppy-eared goat, symbol of acuteness of hearing alluding to the emperor's alertness, pub. 1517/18 (woodcut), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Design for 'The Great Triumphal Chariot of Emperor Maximilian I': detail showing the Virtues steering the team of horses, planned by Willibald Pirckheimer, pub. c.1518 (see also 77582)
Design for 'The Great Triumphal Chariot of Emperor Maximilian I': detail showing the Virtues steering the team of horses, planned by Willibald Pirckheimer, pub. c.1518 (see also 77582)

XAM77583: Design for 'The Great Triumphal Chariot of Emperor Maximilian I': detail showing the Virtues steering the team of horses, planned by Willibald Pirckheimer, pub. c.1518 (see also 77582), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Jerome Penitent in the Wilderness, by Albrecht Durer, 1496, 15th Century (engraving on laid paper)
Saint Jerome Penitent in the Wilderness, by Albrecht Durer, 1496, 15th Century (engraving on laid paper)

MEB3613178: Saint Jerome Penitent in the Wilderness, by Albrecht Durer, 1496, 15th Century (engraving on laid paper), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Alpine Hut in Ruins, 1514
Alpine Hut in Ruins, 1514

MEV5059017: Alpine Hut in Ruins, 1514, Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Woman's Head Crowned with Roses
Woman's Head Crowned with Roses

MEV5048505: Woman's Head Crowned with Roses, Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Eustace, c. 1500-1501 (engraving)
Saint Eustace, c. 1500-1501 (engraving)

HST861694: Saint Eustace, c. 1500-1501 (engraving), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

The Entombment, 1512 (engraving)
The Entombment, 1512 (engraving)

HST862068: The Entombment, 1512 (engraving), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

The Resurrection from The Passion, 1512 (engraving)
The Resurrection from The Passion, 1512 (engraving)

HST862070: The Resurrection from The Passion, 1512 (engraving), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Armor of a German knight
Armor of a German knight

PRX3118032: Armor of a German knight, Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

The boy Jesus as Savior
The boy Jesus as Savior

PRX3124984: The boy Jesus as Savior, Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Studies on Adam and Eve
Studies on Adam and Eve

PRX3125024: Studies on Adam and Eve, Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Christ is taken down from the cross
Christ is taken down from the cross

PRX3124750: Christ is taken down from the cross, Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Nativity, from the Small Passion, 1510 (woodcut)
Nativity, from the Small Passion, 1510 (woodcut)

XJF437447: Nativity, from the Small Passion, 1510 (woodcut), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

St. Christopher with the flight of birds, c.1503-4 (woodcut)
St. Christopher with the flight of birds, c.1503-4 (woodcut)

XJF437449: St. Christopher with the flight of birds, c.1503-4 (woodcut), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

The Holy Trinity, 1511 (woodcut)
The Holy Trinity, 1511 (woodcut)

XJF437458: The Holy Trinity, 1511 (woodcut), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

A Young Couple, 1484-94 (pen & ink on paper)
A Young Couple, 1484-94 (pen & ink on paper)

XIR208562: A Young Couple, 1484-94 (pen & ink on paper), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

The Arrest of Jesus Christ, 1510 (woodcut) (b/w photo)
The Arrest of Jesus Christ, 1510 (woodcut) (b/w photo)

XIR253086: The Arrest of Jesus Christ, 1510 (woodcut) (b/w photo), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Peasant couple dancing, 1514 (engraving in black on ivory laid paper)
Peasant couple dancing, 1514 (engraving in black on ivory laid paper)

XCC2971460: Peasant couple dancing, 1514 (engraving in black on ivory laid paper), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Emperors Charlemagne and Sigismund, c.1507-10 (pen, brown ink & watercolour on laid paper)
Emperors Charlemagne and Sigismund, c.1507-10 (pen, brown ink & watercolour on laid paper)

COU5934502: Emperors Charlemagne and Sigismund, c.1507-10 (pen, brown ink & watercolour on laid paper), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

The 'Small Passion' series: (clockwise), Christ appears to the Magdalen as a gardener; Christ at Emmaus; Christ and the doubting Thomas; Ascension, pub. 1511 (woodcut)
The 'Small Passion' series: (clockwise), Christ appears to the Magdalen as a gardener; Christ at Emmaus; Christ and the doubting Thomas; Ascension, pub. 1511 (woodcut)

XAM78020: The 'Small Passion' series: (clockwise), Christ appears to the Magdalen as a gardener; Christ at Emmaus; Christ and the doubting Thomas; Ascension, pub. 1511 (woodcut), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

Apocalyptical scene, from the 'Apocalypse' or 'The Revelations of St. John the Divine', pub. 1498 (woodcut)
Apocalyptical scene, from the 'Apocalypse' or 'The Revelations of St. John the Divine', pub. 1498 (woodcut)

XAM78005: Apocalyptical scene, from the 'Apocalypse' or 'The Revelations of St. John the Divine', pub. 1498 (woodcut), Dürer or Duerer, Albrecht (1471-1528) / Bridgeman Images

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