LSE4334568: The Moghreb prayer in the Sahara. Engraving by J.Girardet, to illustrate the story Cinq mois chez les moures nomades du Sahara occidental, in 1887, by Camille Douls, in le tour du monde 1888, under the direction of Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris., Girardet, Eugene Alexis (1853-1907) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334574: The irons on the feet. Engraving by Eugene Girardet, to illustrate the story Cinq mois chez les moures nomades du Sahara occidental, in 1887, by Camille Douls, in le tour du monde 1888, under the direction of Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris., Girardet, Eugene Alexis (1853-1907) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334699: Bab-er-Roumia (Bab er Roumia), gate of the Christian woman, Roman ruins in Dougga, picnic of travelers and their guides, around a camera. Engraving by Eugene Girardet, to illustrate the story Voyage en Tunisie, by R.Cagnat and H.Saladin, charges of an archeological mission by the Ministry of Public Education, in the tour du monde 1888, under the direction of Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris., Girardet, Eugene Alexis (1853-1907) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334701: Embarrassed in Teboursouk Souk Street. Engraving by Eugene Girardet, to illustrate the story Voyage en Tunisie, by R.Cagnat and H.Saladin, charges of an archeological mission by the Ministry of Public Education, in the tour du monde 1888, under the direction of Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris., Girardet, Eugene Alexis (1853-1907) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334507: Arab woman and sawers of long ten foulis. Engraving by Eugene Girardet, to illustrate the story A Suse, 1884-1886, diary des excavilles, by Jane Dieulafoy, in le tour du monde 1888, directed by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris., Girardet, Eugene Alexis (1853-1907) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4333889: Our trailer is moving. Engraved by Eugene Girardet, to illustrate the story “” Voyage en Tunisie””, by Rene Cagnat (1852-1937) historian and Henri Saladin (1851-1923), architect, commissioned in 1882-1883, by the Ministry of Public Instruction. Published in Le Tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages, 1er semester 1884, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), edition Hachette, Paris., Girardet, Eugene Alexis (1853-1907) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334077: Excavations at the Christian cemetery of Lamta, with both mission charges. Engraving by Eug.Girardet, to illustrate the story “The Journey to Tunisia””, by Rene Cagnat (1852-1937), historian and Henri Saladin (1851-1923), architect, charged with an archeological mission by the Ministry of Public Instruction. Published in Le Tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages, 1er semester 1885, edited by Edouard Charton (1807-1890), edition Hachette, Paris., Girardet, Eugene Alexis (1853-1907) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4334589: Bury in the sand. Engraving by Eugene Girardet, to illustrate the story Five months in the nomadic moors of Western Sahara, in 1887, by Camille Douls, in le tour du monde 1888, under the direction of Edouard Charton (1807-1890), Hachette, Paris., Girardet, Eugene Alexis (1853-1907) / Bridgeman Images