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BAL82744: Napoleon in Cairo, 1798, Bourgain, Gustave (c.1855-1921) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BAL82744
Napoleon in Cairo, 1798
Bourgain, Gustave (c.1855-1921)
XIR182126: Twenty-Seven Pound Cannon on a Battleship (oil on canvas), Bourgain, Gustave (c.1855-1921) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XIR182126
Twenty-Seven Pound Cannon on a Battleship (oil on canvas)
SIM113198: The Fairground (w/c on paper), Bourgain, Gustave (c.1855-1921) / Bridgeman Images
ID: SIM113198
The Fairground (w/c on paper)
XIR212592: Hartmanswillerkopf, View from Roche-Sermet, 1915 (oil on canvas), Bourgain, Gustave (c.1855-1921) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XIR212592
Hartmanswillerkopf, View from Roche-Sermet, 1915 (oil on canvas)
GIA4812288: 2 men (a sailor and a Breton fisherman) in a bar chatting with a Breton waitress, Saint Malo, 1870, illustration by Bourgain., Bourgain, Gustave (c.1855-1921) / Bridgeman Images
ID: GIA4812288
2 men (a sailor and a Breton fisherman) in a bar chatting with a Breton waitress, Saint Malo, 1870, illustration by Bourgain.
LIP1603851: Fight between the Brunswick and Le Vengeur (litho), Bourgain, Gustave (c.1855-1921) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LIP1603851
Fight between the Brunswick and Le Vengeur (litho)
LLM3098710: Au Lac du Bourget. Cover of Le Figaro Illustre, September 1895 (colour litho), Bourgain, Gustave (c.1855-1921) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3098710
Au Lac du Bourget. Cover of Le Figaro Illustre, September 1895 (colour litho)
LLL3105766: A Bord le Tangon (colour litho), Bourgain, Gustave (c.1855-1921) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLL3105766
A Bord le Tangon (colour litho)
BAL20743: Louis Signorino seated in his study (oil on canvas), Bourgain, Gustave (c.1855-1921) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BAL20743
Louis Signorino seated in his study (oil on canvas)
LLM3098803: A la Coupee. Cover of Le Figaro Illustre, March 1897 (colour litho), Bourgain, Gustave (c.1855-1921) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3098803
A la Coupee. Cover of Le Figaro Illustre, March 1897 (colour litho)
CH827286: The Overhaul, 1886 (oil on canvas), Bourgain, Gustave (c.1855-1921) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH827286
The Overhaul, 1886 (oil on canvas)