Dudley, Robert Ambrose (1867-1951) Assets (201 in total)
The Defeat of the Epthalites, illustration from 'Hutchinsons History of the Nations', c.1910 (litho), Dudley, Robert Ambrose (1867-1951) / Bridgeman Images
The Khan Jhan shows Akbar his princely captives, illustration from 'Hutchinsons History of the Nations', c.1910 (colour litho), Dudley, Robert Ambrose (1867-1951) / Bridgeman Images
The interpreter's house, from The Pilgrims Progress published by John F Shaw & Co, c.1900's (litho), Dudley, Robert Ambrose (1867-1951) / Bridgeman Images
Mr By-Ends meets with Mr Hold-the-World, from The Pilgrims Progress published by John F Shaw & Co, c.1900's (litho), Dudley, Robert Ambrose (1867-1951) / Bridgeman Images
By the River of the Water of Life, from The Pilgrims Progress published by John F Shaw & Co, c.1900's (colour litho), Dudley, Robert Ambrose (1867-1951) / Bridgeman Images
Little Faith is robbed by Faint-Heart, Guilt and Mistrust, from The Pilgrims Progress published by John F Shaw & Co, c.1900's (litho), Dudley, Robert Ambrose (1867-1951) / Bridgeman Images
Mercy at the Wicker Gate, from The Pilgrims Progress published by John F Shaw & Co, c.1900's (colour litho), Dudley, Robert Ambrose (1867-1951) / Bridgeman Images
The Pilgrims in the enchanted ground, from The Pilgrims Progress published by John F Shaw & Co, c.1900's (colour litho), Dudley, Robert Ambrose (1867-1951) / Bridgeman Images