'Saw a prison and in it the white ghost of a mouse', illustration from 'The Mischievious Mousie Book', published by Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1920s (colour litho), Anderson, Anne (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images
'Having a bit of supper - prime Stilton', illustration from 'The Mischievious Mousie Book', published by Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1920s (colour litho), Anderson, Anne (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images
'Was chatting with pretty Miss Mouse', illustration from 'The Mischievious Mousie Book', published by Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1920s (colour litho), Anderson, Anne (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images
'I saw a great cat all covered in spots', illustration from 'The Mischievious Mousie Book', published by Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1920s (colour litho), Anderson, Anne (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images
'Saw a lovely bunch of carrots', illustration from 'The Naughty Neddy Book', published by Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1920s (colour litho), Anderson, Anne (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images