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LWE410673: Mask, Gulf Coast, Mexico, c.1500-400 BC (jade), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: LWE410673
Mask, Gulf Coast, Mexico, c.1500-400 BC (jade)
Olmec Culture
LRI4680123: Colossal head, 13th-10th century BC, Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: LRI4680123
Colossal head, 13th-10th century BC
LWE410689: Necklace, Gulf Coast, Mexico, c.1500-400 BC (jadeite, rock crystal, pyrite & spondylus shell), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: LWE410689
Necklace, Gulf Coast, Mexico, c.1500-400 BC (jadeite, rock crystal, pyrite & spondylus shell)
LWE410668: Mask, Gulf Coast, Mexico, c.1500-400 BC (greenstone), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: LWE410668
Mask, Gulf Coast, Mexico, c.1500-400 BC (greenstone)
STF277732: Colossal Head from San Lorenzo, 1200-900 BC (basalt), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF277732
Colossal Head from San Lorenzo, 1200-900 BC (basalt)
LRI4674548: Lord of the Lines (sacrifice of a child) (sculpture), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: LRI4674548
Lord of the Lines (sacrifice of a child) (sculpture)
LWE410693: Figure, Gulf Coast, Mexico, c.600-300 BC (slate & specular hematite), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: LWE410693
Figure, Gulf Coast, Mexico, c.600-300 BC (slate & specular hematite)
XOS3740393: Mask, 900-400 B.C (jadeite), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: XOS3740393
Mask, 900-400 B.C (jadeite)
MEX97334: Colossal stone head, Olmec (sculpture), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEX97334
Colossal stone head, Olmec (sculpture)
STF277731: Colossal Head, 1200-900 BC (basalt), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF277731
Colossal Head, 1200-900 BC (basalt)
STF273318: Colossal head, c.1000-800 BC (basalt), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF273318
Colossal head, c.1000-800 BC (basalt)
LWE410676: Mask, Gulf Coast, Mexico, c.1500-400 BC (greenstone), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: LWE410676
HST1271267: Pendant in the form of a Mask, 1500-300 BC (jade), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: HST1271267
Pendant in the form of a Mask, 1500-300 BC (jade)
JLJ4615648: Precolombian civilization: colossal Olmeque head. 10th-7th century BC. Mexico. (photo), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: JLJ4615648
Precolombian civilization: colossal Olmeque head. 10th-7th century BC. Mexico. (photo)
XBP390756: Jade figurine (jadite with residual paint), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: XBP390756
Jade figurine (jadite with residual paint)
STF273320: Mask (stone), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF273320
Mask (stone)
JPC310097: Hacha with the face of a jaguar, Preclassic period (jade), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: JPC310097
Hacha with the face of a jaguar, Preclassic period (jade)
JPC310098: Tomb no. 7, Preclassic period (basalt stone), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: JPC310098
Tomb no. 7, Preclassic period (basalt stone)
HST3083499: Duck vessel, 1500-300 BC (earthenware with slip), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: HST3083499
Duck vessel, 1500-300 BC (earthenware with slip)
LWE410669: Figure, Gulf Coast, Mexico, c.1500-400 BC (jade), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: LWE410669
Figure, Gulf Coast, Mexico, c.1500-400 BC (jade)
LWE410564: Mask, Gulf Coast, Mexico, c.1500-400 BC (greenstone), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: LWE410564
STF273317: Sculpture of a person wearing a jaguar mask, c.1000-800 BC (basalt), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF273317
Sculpture of a person wearing a jaguar mask, c.1000-800 BC (basalt)
HST1271217: Seated Figure (earthenware with slip), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: HST1271217
Seated Figure (earthenware with slip)
STF277733: Beaker, 1000-800 BC (ceramic), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: STF277733
Beaker, 1000-800 BC (ceramic)
HST2633329: Seated Figure, 1500-300 BC (earthenware with slip), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: HST2633329
Seated Figure, 1500-300 BC (earthenware with slip)
HST2908195: Mask, 1500-300 BC (jade), Olmec Culture / Bridgeman Images
ID: HST2908195
Mask, 1500-300 BC (jade)