Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) Assets (31 in total)

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Poster for the Lotos Library, c.1896 (colour litho)
Poster for the Lotos Library, c.1896 (colour litho)

DAM274526: Poster for the Lotos Library, c.1896 (colour litho), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

The Epiphany, 1899 (oil on canvas)
The Epiphany, 1899 (oil on canvas)

DAM274541: The Epiphany, 1899 (oil on canvas), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

The Red Rose, Villanova (oil on canvas)
The Red Rose, Villanova (oil on canvas)

DAM274540: The Red Rose, Villanova (oil on canvas), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Study for
Study for

PHL441729: Study for "Divine Law", c.1917 (graphite, ink, bole & gold leaf, opaque w/c & oil on illustration board) 88:Study for Supreme Court Room, State Capitol Building, Harrisburg;, Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

From Her Fair Eyes He Took Commandment (w/c & pencil on paper)
From Her Fair Eyes He Took Commandment (w/c & pencil on paper)

DAM274535: From Her Fair Eyes He Took Commandment (w/c & pencil on paper), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

It Was the Eternity of Youth...Age and Decay and Death Ceased to Be (oil on canvas)
It Was the Eternity of Youth...Age and Decay and Death Ceased to Be (oil on canvas)

DAM274539: It Was the Eternity of Youth...Age and Decay and Death Ceased to Be (oil on canvas), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

The Angel of Victory Triptych, 1941 (oil on wood panel)
The Angel of Victory Triptych, 1941 (oil on wood panel)

DAM274519: The Angel of Victory Triptych, 1941 (oil on wood panel), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Sketch for the Cover of Country Life (charcoal & white on toned paper)
Sketch for the Cover of Country Life (charcoal & white on toned paper)

DAM274537: Sketch for the Cover of Country Life (charcoal & white on toned paper), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Church, Stiges (pastel on paper)
Church, Stiges (pastel on paper)

DAM274517: Church, Stiges (pastel on paper), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

The Angel of Victory Triptych, 1941 (oil on wood panel)
The Angel of Victory Triptych, 1941 (oil on wood panel)

DAM274522: The Angel of Victory Triptych, 1941 (oil on wood panel), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Peter Raising Dorcas, 1900 (oil on canvas)
Peter Raising Dorcas, 1900 (oil on canvas)

DAM274529: Peter Raising Dorcas, 1900 (oil on canvas), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Hamlet (pastel on paper)
Hamlet (pastel on paper)

DAM274531: Hamlet (pastel on paper), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Hamlet (oil on canvas)
Hamlet (oil on canvas)

DAM274533: Hamlet (oil on canvas), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Untitled, from 'Fond Adventures' by Maurice Hewlett, 1904 (charcoal on paper)
Untitled, from 'Fond Adventures' by Maurice Hewlett, 1904 (charcoal on paper)

DAM274538: Untitled, from 'Fond Adventures' by Maurice Hewlett, 1904 (charcoal on paper), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Sketch for
Sketch for

PHL450517: Sketch for "The Life of Moses", 1927-29 (oil on canvas), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Miss Meteer (pencil & white chalk on paper)
Miss Meteer (pencil & white chalk on paper)

DAM274518: Miss Meteer (pencil & white chalk on paper), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Panel of St George, from 'The Angel of Victory Triptych' 1941 (oil on wood panel)
Panel of St George, from 'The Angel of Victory Triptych' 1941 (oil on wood panel)

DAM274520: Panel of St George, from 'The Angel of Victory Triptych' 1941 (oil on wood panel), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Panel of St Michael, from 'The Angel of Victory Triptych' 1941 (oil on wood panel)
Panel of St Michael, from 'The Angel of Victory Triptych' 1941 (oil on wood panel)

DAM274521: Panel of St Michael, from 'The Angel of Victory Triptych' 1941 (oil on wood panel), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

The Tempest (oil on canvas)
The Tempest (oil on canvas)

DAM274530: The Tempest (oil on canvas), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Untitled (gouache on black paper)
Untitled (gouache on black paper)

DAM274543: Untitled (gouache on black paper), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Faith, 1900 (oil on canvas)
Faith, 1900 (oil on canvas)

DAM274542: Faith, 1900 (oil on canvas), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

The Tempest (oil on canvas)
The Tempest (oil on canvas)

DAM274532: The Tempest (oil on canvas), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Hester Caldwell Oakley Ward (oil on canvas)
Hester Caldwell Oakley Ward (oil on canvas)

DAM274525: Hester Caldwell Oakley Ward (oil on canvas), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Frances Corson Bates (pastel on paper)
Frances Corson Bates (pastel on paper)

DAM274527: Frances Corson Bates (pastel on paper), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Woe to the Accursed of the Church (charcoal & pastel on toned paper)
Woe to the Accursed of the Church (charcoal & pastel on toned paper)

DAM274536: Woe to the Accursed of the Church (charcoal & pastel on toned paper), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Mrs. J. Monroe Hewlett, 1937 (red chalk, crayon & charcoal on paper)
Portrait of Mrs. J. Monroe Hewlett, 1937 (red chalk, crayon & charcoal on paper)

TBM446054: Portrait of Mrs. J. Monroe Hewlett, 1937 (red chalk, crayon & charcoal on paper), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

W.J.O. Nieuwenkamp (pastel on paper)
W.J.O. Nieuwenkamp (pastel on paper)

DAM274516: W.J.O. Nieuwenkamp (pastel on paper), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Centre Panel of the Angel of Victory Triptych, 1941 (oil on wood panel) (detail of 274522)
Centre Panel of the Angel of Victory Triptych, 1941 (oil on wood panel) (detail of 274522)

DAM274523: Centre Panel of the Angel of Victory Triptych, 1941 (oil on wood panel) (detail of 274522), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

Front Cover of 'A Puritan's Wife' by Max Pemberton (colour litho)
Front Cover of 'A Puritan's Wife' by Max Pemberton (colour litho)

DAM274524: Front Cover of 'A Puritan's Wife' by Max Pemberton (colour litho), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

William Penn, student at Christ Church, Oxford (litho)
William Penn, student at Christ Church, Oxford (litho)

LLH5235383: William Penn, student at Christ Church, Oxford (litho), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

The Charter of Pennsylvania receives King Charles II’s signature, 4 March 1681 (litho)
The Charter of Pennsylvania receives King Charles II’s signature, 4 March 1681 (litho)

LLH5235384: The Charter of Pennsylvania receives King Charles II’s signature, 4 March 1681 (litho), Oakley, Violet (1874-1961) / Bridgeman Images

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