General Scott's Entrance into Mexico City, from The War Between the United States and Mexico, pub. 1851 (colour lithograph), Nebel, Carl (1805-55) / Bridgeman Images
A man and three women from Puebla, Mexico, relaxing and smoking in the door way of a building. c. 1830 (print), Nebel, Carl (1805-55) / Bridgeman Images
Mexican-American War (1846-48), Battle of Molino del Rey, US troops attacking, 1847 (colour litho), Nebel, Carl (1805-55) / Bridgeman Images
Capture of Monterey, from The War Between the United States and Mexico, pub. 1851 (colour lithograph), Nebel, Carl (1805-55) / Bridgeman Images
Battle of Buena Vista, from The War Between the United States and Mexico, pub. 1851 (colour lithograph), Nebel, Carl (1805-55) / Bridgeman Images
Molino del Rey - attack upon the Molino, from The War Between the United States and Mexico, pub. 1851 (colour lithograph), Nebel, Carl (1805-55) / Bridgeman Images