Gypsies by the Campfire (recto); Zigeunerinnen am Lagerfeuer (recto), c.1927 (distemper on burlap), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images
Couple at a Table (Self Portrait with Maschka - Absinthe Drinker); Paar am Tisch (Selbstbildnis mit Maschka; Absinthtrinkerin) (Karsch 155 III), c.1922 (lithograph printed in colours), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images
Two girls in the reeds. Painting by Otto Mueller (1874-1930), detrempe on burlap, circa 1920. German art, 20th century, expressionism. Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart (Germany)., Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images
Young girls in nature. Painting by Otto Mueller (1874-1930), oil on canvas, circa 1920. German art, 20th century, expressionism. Kunsthalle Hamburg (Germany)., Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images
Standing Gypsy with Children; Stehende Zigeunerin mit Kind, 1927 (distemper on burlap), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images
Dunes One Sitting and Girl Lying Down (Two Girls in the Sylt Dunes); Ein in Dunen Sitzendes und ein Liegendes Madchen (Zwei Madchen in den Dunen, Sylt), 1920-24 (lithograph printed in black and green-yellow on wove paper), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images
Five Yellow Nudes on the Water; Funf Gelbe Akte am Wasser (Karsch 156a), 1921 (lithograph in colours), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images