Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) Assets (39 in total)

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Lovers (The Artist and Irene Altmann), 1919 (oil on canvas)
Lovers (The Artist and Irene Altmann), 1919 (oil on canvas)

BAL20090: Lovers (The Artist and Irene Altmann), 1919 (oil on canvas), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Two Nudes in the Open Air, 1920 (pastel on canvas)
Two Nudes in the Open Air, 1920 (pastel on canvas)

XKH147777: Two Nudes in the Open Air, 1920 (pastel on canvas), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Gypsies by the Campfire (recto); Zigeunerinnen am Lagerfeuer (recto), c.1927 (distemper on burlap)
Gypsies by the Campfire (recto); Zigeunerinnen am Lagerfeuer (recto), c.1927 (distemper on burlap)

CH825996: Gypsies by the Campfire (recto); Zigeunerinnen am Lagerfeuer (recto), c.1927 (distemper on burlap), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Two Young Girls, c.1911 (pencil and w/c on paper)
Two Young Girls, c.1911 (pencil and w/c on paper)

XKH155157: Two Young Girls, c.1911 (pencil and w/c on paper), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

The Polish Family
The Polish Family

BAL40995: The Polish Family, Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Nudes in Dunes, c.1919-20 (oil on canvas)
Nudes in Dunes, c.1919-20 (oil on canvas)

XKH141461: Nudes in Dunes, c.1919-20 (oil on canvas), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Gypsy Encampment, c.1925 (oil on canvas)
Gypsy Encampment, c.1925 (oil on canvas)

DTR379290: Gypsy Encampment, c.1925 (oil on canvas), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Bathers, c.1927 (distemper on burlap)
Bathers, c.1927 (distemper on burlap)

CH1195965: Bathers, c.1927 (distemper on burlap), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Mother and Child, 1927 (tempera on canvas)
Mother and Child, 1927 (tempera on canvas)

NUM396513: Mother and Child, 1927 (tempera on canvas), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Lucretia, or the Nude Murderess, c.1903 (oil on canvas)
Lucretia, or the Nude Murderess, c.1903 (oil on canvas)

NUM396512: Lucretia, or the Nude Murderess, c.1903 (oil on canvas), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Young Gypsy Girl, c.1926 (chalk, pen & w/c on paper)
Young Gypsy Girl, c.1926 (chalk, pen & w/c on paper)

FFA274042: Young Gypsy Girl, c.1926 (chalk, pen & w/c on paper), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Seated Women by Water; Sitzende Madchen am Wasser, c. 1914-16 (oil on burlap)
Seated Women by Water; Sitzende Madchen am Wasser, c. 1914-16 (oil on burlap)

CH653115: Seated Women by Water; Sitzende Madchen am Wasser, c. 1914-16 (oil on burlap), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Couple at a Table (Self Portrait with Maschka - Absinthe Drinker); Paar am Tisch (Selbstbildnis mit Maschka; Absinthtrinkerin) (Karsch 155 III), c.1922 (lithograph printed in colours)
Couple at a Table (Self Portrait with Maschka - Absinthe Drinker); Paar am Tisch (Selbstbildnis mit Maschka; Absinthtrinkerin) (Karsch 155 III), c.1922 (lithograph printed in colours)

CH826129: Couple at a Table (Self Portrait with Maschka - Absinthe Drinker); Paar am Tisch (Selbstbildnis mit Maschka; Absinthtrinkerin) (Karsch 155 III), c.1922 (lithograph printed in colours), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Seated Girls, 1911
Seated Girls, 1911

XKH205622: Seated Girls, 1911, Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

The Bathers, 20th century
The Bathers, 20th century

BAL53446: The Bathers, 20th century, Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

A tree (oil on canvas)
A tree (oil on canvas)

FIA5330870: A tree (oil on canvas), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Three Girls in a Wood, c.1920 (oil & tempera on panel)
Three Girls in a Wood, c.1920 (oil & tempera on panel)

STM621270: Three Girls in a Wood, c.1920 (oil & tempera on panel), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Two girls in the reeds. Painting by Otto Mueller (1874-1930), detrempe on burlap, circa 1920. German art, 20th century, expressionism. Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart (Germany).
Two girls in the reeds. Painting by Otto Mueller (1874-1930), detrempe on burlap, circa 1920. German art, 20th century, expressionism. Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart (Germany).

LSE4315876: Two girls in the reeds. Painting by Otto Mueller (1874-1930), detrempe on burlap, circa 1920. German art, 20th century, expressionism. Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart (Germany)., Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Gypsy Family on a Wagon; Zigeuner Familie am Planwagen, (lithograph)
Gypsy Family on a Wagon; Zigeuner Familie am Planwagen, (lithograph)

CH659494: Gypsy Family on a Wagon; Zigeuner Familie am Planwagen, (lithograph), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

An Afro-European Couple of Dancers, c.1903 (oil on canvas)
An Afro-European Couple of Dancers, c.1903 (oil on canvas)

NUM396511: An Afro-European Couple of Dancers, c.1903 (oil on canvas), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Nude Standing Against a Tree (oil on canvas)
Nude Standing Against a Tree (oil on canvas)

BAL41122: Nude Standing Against a Tree (oil on canvas), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Young girls in nature. Painting by Otto Mueller (1874-1930), oil on canvas, circa 1920. German art, 20th century, expressionism. Kunsthalle Hamburg (Germany).
Young girls in nature. Painting by Otto Mueller (1874-1930), oil on canvas, circa 1920. German art, 20th century, expressionism. Kunsthalle Hamburg (Germany).

LSE4315413: Young girls in nature. Painting by Otto Mueller (1874-1930), oil on canvas, circa 1920. German art, 20th century, expressionism. Kunsthalle Hamburg (Germany)., Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Two Women Sitting, c.1914 (oil on canvas) (see 274026 for verso)
Two Women Sitting, c.1914 (oil on canvas) (see 274026 for verso)

FFA178118: Two Women Sitting, c.1914 (oil on canvas) (see 274026 for verso), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Sitting Pair, 1920 (oil on burlap)
Sitting Pair, 1920 (oil on burlap)

PNH356203: Sitting Pair, 1920 (oil on burlap), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Urbanite Couple, 1920 (oil on canvas)
Urbanite Couple, 1920 (oil on canvas)

NUM128435: Urbanite Couple, 1920 (oil on canvas), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Girls sitting by the water, c.1920 (tempera on hessian)
Girls sitting by the water, c.1920 (tempera on hessian)

FFA151932: Girls sitting by the water, c.1920 (tempera on hessian), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Discovery of Moses, 1920 (lithograph printed in black and green-yellow)
Discovery of Moses, 1920 (lithograph printed in black and green-yellow)

CH990496: Discovery of Moses, 1920 (lithograph printed in black and green-yellow), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Dunes One Sitting and Girl Lying Down (Two Girls in the Sylt Dunes); Ein in Dunen Sitzendes und ein Liegendes Madchen (Zwei Madchen in den Dunen, Sylt), 1920-24 (lithograph printed in black and green-yellow on wove paper)
Dunes One Sitting and Girl Lying Down (Two Girls in the Sylt Dunes); Ein in Dunen Sitzendes und ein Liegendes Madchen (Zwei Madchen in den Dunen, Sylt), 1920-24 (lithograph printed in black and green-yellow on wove paper)

CH659459: Dunes One Sitting and Girl Lying Down (Two Girls in the Sylt Dunes); Ein in Dunen Sitzendes und ein Liegendes Madchen (Zwei Madchen in den Dunen, Sylt), 1920-24 (lithograph printed in black and green-yellow on wove paper), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Nude in the Forest; Akt im Wald, c.1922-1923 (watercolour and wax crayon on vellum)
Nude in the Forest; Akt im Wald, c.1922-1923 (watercolour and wax crayon on vellum)

CH826181: Nude in the Forest; Akt im Wald, c.1922-1923 (watercolour and wax crayon on vellum), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Standing Gypsy with Children; Stehende Zigeunerin mit Kind, 1927 (distemper on burlap)
Standing Gypsy with Children; Stehende Zigeunerin mit Kind, 1927 (distemper on burlap)

CH826027: Standing Gypsy with Children; Stehende Zigeunerin mit Kind, 1927 (distemper on burlap), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Self Portrait, c.1921 (tempera on canvas)
Self Portrait, c.1921 (tempera on canvas)

STM621271: Self Portrait, c.1921 (tempera on canvas), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Five Yellow Nudes on the Water; Funf Gelbe Akte am Wasser (Karsch 156a), 1921 (lithograph in colours)
Five Yellow Nudes on the Water; Funf Gelbe Akte am Wasser (Karsch 156a), 1921 (lithograph in colours)

CH828047: Five Yellow Nudes on the Water; Funf Gelbe Akte am Wasser (Karsch 156a), 1921 (lithograph in colours), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Trees before a Bridge (pastel & gouache on paper)
Trees before a Bridge (pastel & gouache on paper)

FFA274038: Trees before a Bridge (pastel & gouache on paper), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Seated Gipsy Lovers, 1922 (oil on canvas) (see 274040 for verso)
Seated Gipsy Lovers, 1922 (oil on canvas) (see 274040 for verso)

FFA274039: Seated Gipsy Lovers, 1922 (oil on canvas) (see 274040 for verso), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Woman, c.1925 (coloured wax crayons over brush and black ink on paper)
Reclining Woman, c.1925 (coloured wax crayons over brush and black ink on paper)

CH989005: Reclining Woman, c.1925 (coloured wax crayons over brush and black ink on paper), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Reclining Nude, c.1914 (oil on canvas) (see 178118 for recto)
Reclining Nude, c.1914 (oil on canvas) (see 178118 for recto)

FFA274026: Reclining Nude, c.1914 (oil on canvas) (see 178118 for recto), Muller or Mueller, Otto (1874-1930) / Bridgeman Images

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