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LAL5197122: Arrest of George Loveless and other farm labourers (colour litho), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL5197122
Arrest of George Loveless and other farm labourers (colour litho)
McBride, Angus (1931-2007)
LAL5197160: Admiral Lord Hay, with the first Pekingese dog brought to England (colour litho), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL5197160
Admiral Lord Hay, with the first Pekingese dog brought to England (colour litho)
LAL5197180: The Roman newspaper, which was posted in public places (colour litho), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL5197180
The Roman newspaper, which was posted in public places (colour litho)
LAL5197188: Huskies (colour litho), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL5197188
Huskies (colour litho)
LAL5197195: Thunderbird (colour litho), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL5197195
Thunderbird (colour litho)
LAL5197198: The Little People (colour litho), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL5197198
The Little People (colour litho)
LAL5197206: The Leshy (colour litho), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL5197206
The Leshy (colour litho)
LAL264536: Zulu Warriors (gouache on paper), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL264536
Zulu Warriors (gouache on paper)
LAL264537: Smith's First Bath (gouache on paper), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL264537
Smith's First Bath (gouache on paper)
LAL264547: Roman Defeat (gouache on paper), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL264547
Roman Defeat (gouache on paper)
LAL264623: Boadicea whipping up the fury of the Britons against their Roman overlords (gouache on paper), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL264623
Boadicea whipping up the fury of the Britons against their Roman overlords (gouache on paper)
LAL269641: Boxing (gouache on paper), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL269641
Boxing (gouache on paper)
LAL269649: Ventillator Shaft (gouache on paper), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL269649
Ventillator Shaft (gouache on paper)
LAL269654: Dardanelles Campaign (gouache on paper), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL269654
Dardanelles Campaign (gouache on paper)
LAL278434: 'A is for....' (gouache on paper), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL278434
'A is for....' (gouache on paper)
LAL278444: The Fall of Constantinople (gouache on paper), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL278444
The Fall of Constantinople (gouache on paper)
LAL278429: Mexico's Unfinished Revolution (gouache on paper), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL278429
Mexico's Unfinished Revolution (gouache on paper)
LAL263252: Aborigines (gouache on paper), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL263252
Aborigines (gouache on paper)
LAL261290: Siege of Mafeking, from 1899-1900 (gouache on paper), McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL261290
Siege of Mafeking, from 1899-1900 (gouache on paper)
LAL453576: Northern troops looting the homes of terrified Southerners, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453576
Northern troops looting the homes of terrified Southerners
LAL453638: The Pilgrim Fathers arrive in America, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453638
The Pilgrim Fathers arrive in America
LAL453653: Dawson City, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453653
Dawson City
LAL453826: The Painted Pebble people fishing, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453826
The Painted Pebble people fishing
LAL453827: Spectacle in a Roman circus, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453827
Spectacle in a Roman circus
LAL453829: The Canterbury Pilgrims, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453829
The Canterbury Pilgrims
LAL453835: Isaac Pitman, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453835
Isaac Pitman
LAL453839: The Vestal Virgins, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453839
The Vestal Virgins
LAL453840: The end of Romulus, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453840
The end of Romulus
LAL453842: !8th century servants at political meeting, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453842
!8th century servants at political meeting
LAL453845: Dante's Divine Comedy, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453845
Dante's Divine Comedy
LAL453847: Pancho Villa, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453847
Pancho Villa
LAL453899: King John reluctantly signing Magna Carta, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453899
King John reluctantly signing Magna Carta
LAL453283: The Masai tribe of Africa, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453283
The Masai tribe of Africa
LAL453497: Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL453497
Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London
LAL313464: The Foundering of the Royal George, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL313464
The Foundering of the Royal George
LAL313586: Indian Chief, McBride, Angus (1931-2007) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL313586
Indian Chief