LRI4662961: Public Lottery at the Loggetta, the Piazza San Marco, Venice “” - The game of the lottery (raffle) at the Loggetta in St. Mark's Square in Venice”” Painting by Gabriel Bella (1730-1799) 18th century Venice, Foundation “” Querini Stampalia”””, Bella, Gabriele (1730-1799) / Bridgeman Images
LRI4662941: Procession of the doge and distribution of money to citizens, in St. Mark's Square (Il doge portato in corteo in piazza San Marco a Venezia distribuisce denaro ai cittadini.) - Painting by Gabriele Bella (ca. 1730-1799). Venezia, Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Bella, Gabriele (1730-1799) / Bridgeman Images