The Crisis in the Transvaal, Inspection by the Commandant of the Assembled "Commando" of Boers in the Market-Place of a Dorp (litho), Frenzeny, Paul (1840-1902) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of the book “The Scout Buffalo Bill” by Han. W.F. Cody, illustration by P. Frenzeny, sd. between 1860 and 1890., Frenzeny, Paul (1840-1902) / Bridgeman Images
Underground Lodgings for the Poor, Greenwich Street, New York, from Harper's Weekly, pub. 1869 (engraving), Frenzeny, Paul (1840-1902) / Bridgeman Images
Difficulties of the March to Peking, the Overland Route between Tientsin and the Capital in the Rainy Season (litho), Frenzeny, Paul (1840-1902) / Bridgeman Images
The Spanish-American War, before the Battle of San Juan, Artillery getting into Position (litho), Frenzeny, Paul (1840-1902) / Bridgeman Images