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CH1196317: Prince Charming; Le Prince charmant, 1947 or 1948 (gouache on paper), Magritte, Rene (1898-1967) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH1196317
Prince Charming; Le Prince charmant, 1947 or 1948 (gouache on paper)
Magritte, Rene (1898-1967)
CH1196396: The Invitation to Travel; L'Invitation au Voyage, 1961 (gouache on paper), Magritte, Rene (1898-1967) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH1196396
The Invitation to Travel; L'Invitation au Voyage, 1961 (gouache on paper)
CH1196397: The Explanation; L'Explication, 1960 (gouache on paper), Magritte, Rene (1898-1967) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH1196397
The Explanation; L'Explication, 1960 (gouache on paper)
CH653367: The Married Priest; Le Pretre Marie, c. 1950 (gouache on paper), Magritte, Rene (1898-1967) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH653367
The Married Priest; Le Pretre Marie, c. 1950 (gouache on paper)
CH656247: The Cicerone; Le Cicerone, 1948 (oil on canvas), Magritte, Rene (1898-1967) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH656247
The Cicerone; Le Cicerone, 1948 (oil on canvas)
CH376014: L'eclair, 1959 (gouache & pencil on paper), Magritte, Rene (1898-1967) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH376014
L'eclair, 1959 (gouache & pencil on paper)
CH376018: Good Sense, 1945 (oil on canvas), Magritte, Rene (1898-1967) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH376018
Good Sense, 1945 (oil on canvas)
CH5642657: Les muscles célestes, 1927 (oil on canvas), Magritte, Rene (1898-1967) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH5642657
Les muscles célestes, 1927 (oil on canvas)
CH1769239: Composition on a Sea Shore, 1935-1936 (oil on canvas), Magritte, Rene (1898-1967) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH1769239
Composition on a Sea Shore, 1935-1936 (oil on canvas)
JLJ4652621: The Revelation of the Present, 1936 (oil on canvas), Magritte, Rene (1898-1967) / Bridgeman Images
ID: JLJ4652621
The Revelation of the Present, 1936 (oil on canvas)
JLJ4682523: Shadow Wrecks, 1926 (oil on canvas), Magritte, Rene (1898-1967) / Bridgeman Images
ID: JLJ4682523
Shadow Wrecks, 1926 (oil on canvas)