XEE4160537: Death and succession of Charles II the Bald (823-877), 877: the king handed over to the imperress the imperial crown, his golden sceptre, the sword of Saint Peter and a testament by which he designees his son Louis the Begue for inheritance. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4160599: Ordalies or “the judgments of God”, 831: accused of treason towards Louis I the Pious or the Debonnaire (778-840), Judith Welf (805-843), his wife, and Bernard of Septimania (circa 800-844), chamberlain of the kingdom, try to prove their innocence before an assembly. She proposes to undergo the test of hot iron and boiling water. He challenges his accusers to a duel. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409117: Battle of Tertry, 687: winner of the Armee of Neustria, Pepin the Jeune or Herstal (circa 653-714), prince of Austrasia, recognizes the authority of the king of Neustria Thierry III (657-691). Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409293: First Crusade, 1099: The Crusses gather before the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem after the conquest of the city. They're barefoot and have pelerine coat and bumblebee. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409298: Clameur de haro at the funeral of William the Conquerant (1027-1087) in the abbey of Saint Etienne de Caen (Normandy), 1087. A man interrupts the funeral and claims that the church was bated on a land stolen from his father by the deceased. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409317: Origin of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, 1050: the sons of Tancrede de Hauteville prostrate themselves before Pope Leon IX (1002-1054), taken prisoner after the defeat of his army in Sicily, and ask him to lift his excommunication. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409358: Charles (953-991), brother of King Lothaire, pays tribute to Otton (Othon) II (955 - 983), emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The latter created the Duche of Lower Lorraine (Lower Lotharingia) and appointed Charles Duke of Lower Lotharingia, 977. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409381: Emma of France (894-934), sister of Hugues the Great (897-956), prostrates to her feet. Mariee has Raoul of Burgundy (or Rodolphe, 890-936), she decided, at the request of her brother, to give the crown of France to her husband, declaring “better kiss her husband's knees than those of her brother.” 923 Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409388: Imprisonment of Charles III the Simple (879-929), 923: Believing to find refuge with Herbert of Vermandois, the former king of the Franks was betrayed by the latter and sent to prison. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4160485: Carloman II died (867-884) in a hunting game, 884. Wanting to help the king attack by a wild boar, a servant accidentally shoves his spy into his thigh. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4160953: Coronation of Charlemagne, December 25, 800: The King of the Francs (747-814) is consecrated emperor of the West by Pope Leon III (750-816) in the Church of St. Peter in Rome. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4161499: War against the Saxons, 785: baptism of Witikin of Saxony (or Widukind, Wittekind). Beaten by the army of Charlemagne, the leader of the Saxons agreed to convert to Catholicism. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409140: Sainte Bathilde (or Batilde, Bathylle, Beaudour) (626-680), Queen of the Francs and widow of Clovis II, decided to take the veil in the monastery of Chelles in 665. His subjects try to stop him. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409144: Sharing of the Tresors of Dagobert I (602/605-638), King of the Francs, after his death, under the control of the two mayors of the Pepin Palace of Landen and Aega. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409146: Death of Dagobert I (602/605-638), King of the Francs, in the presence of his wife, Queen Nantilde (ca. 610-642) and his son, the future Clovis II (ca. 635-657). Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409285: Louis the Gros (1081-1137) shows his father, Philip I (1052-1108), the letter in which he allegedly asked the King of England to assassinate Louis. Bertrade de Montfort (ca. 1070-1118), wife of Philippe and supposed author of the letter, is also present. 1103. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409301: The insurrection of Robert Courteheuse (“” Courtecuisse”) (1027-1087) against his father, William the Conquerant (1027-1087), Duke of Normandy, 1076: during a battle between their two weapons, William was desarconne by his son, who, at the time of finishing him, recognized him. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409315: Reconquista (Reconquete), 1094: Alfonso VI of Castile (Alfonso VI de Leon y Castilla, 1040-1109) marries his daughter Therese de Leon (1080-1130) to Henry of Burgundy (1066-1112) to thank him for his help against the Moors. Having become Count of Portugal, Henri was the father of Alfonso I, the first king of Portugal. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4409331: Justice under the Capetians: a duel in armor between two vasseals to arbitrate a quarrel. A court (“court of peers or barons”) first tried to settle their dispute. In case of failure, they would engage in a battle to death. 10th-11th century. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4154439: Hugues Capet (941-996) re-established the canonical elections: the king of the Franks allowed the monks to elect their abbes by placing on an altar a crosse and a mitre. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4159555: Proxy marriage proposal from Napoleon presented to Empress of Austria by prince of Neufchatel (Louis-Alexandre Berthier) - engraving after Jean-Michel Moreau le jeune - In a room of his apartment, Imperatrice Marie Louise of Austria (Marie-Louise) (1791-1847) listens to the request of the Prince of Neufchatel (Louis Alexandre Berthier) (1753-1815), who represented Napoleon at her marriage by proxy, Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4161526: Institution of pages: establishment of training in the physical and domestic tasks of the page metier. Carolingian period, regne of Charlemagne, 8th-9th century. Engraving by Jean Michel Moreau, dit Moreau le Jeune (1741- 1814), 18th century., Moreau, Jean Michel the Younger (1741-1814) / Bridgeman Images