Thebes, December 4th 1838, detail of the colossi of Memnon, plate 12 from Volume I of 'Egypt and Nubia', engraved by Louis Haghe (1806-85) pub. 1846 (litho) (detail of 67033), Roberts, David (1796-1864) / Bridgeman Images
The Colossi of Memnon, at Thebes, during the Inundation, from "Egypt and Nubia", Vol.1 (litho), Roberts, David (1796-1864) / Bridgeman Images
The Great Temple of Amon Karnak, the Hypostyle Hall, 1838 (w/c & gouache over graphite on paper), Roberts, David (1796-1864) / Bridgeman Images
Mosque of the Sultan Hasan from the Great Square of Rumeyleh, Cairo, from "Egypt and Nubia", Vol.3 (litho), Roberts, David (1796-1864) / Bridgeman Images
Interior of the Temple of Aboo Simbel (Abu or Abu Simbel), drawing made on 09/11/1836 in “The Holy Land””, London 1849, Roberts, David (1796-1864) / Bridgeman Images
Interior of the Temple at Esna, Upper Egypt, from 'Egypt and Nubia', engraved by Louis Haghe, published in London, 1838 (colour litho), Roberts, David (1796-1864) / Bridgeman Images
Ruined Mosques in the Desert, west of the Citadel, Cairo, from "Egypt and Nubia", Vol.3 (litho), Roberts, David (1796-1864) / Bridgeman Images
Front elevation of the great temple of Aboo Simbel (Aboosimbel, Abu or Abu Simbel), Nubia (Nubia) in “” The Holy Land””, London 1849, Roberts, David (1796-1864) / Bridgeman Images
Obelisk at Alexandria, commonly called Cleopatra's Needle, from "Egypt and Nubia", Vol.1 (litho), Roberts, David (1796-1864) / Bridgeman Images