Martin, Pierre-Denis (1663-1742) Assets (43 in total)
The War of Devolution: 'Capture of Dole in Franche, Comte by King Louis XIV, 1668 (oil on canvas), Martin, Pierre-Denis (1663-1742) / Bridgeman Images
Exit of Turkish Ambassador Mehmet Effendi from the Sublime Porte after the audience granted by King Louis XV on 21/03/1721 (oil on canvas), Martin, Pierre-Denis (1663-1742) / Bridgeman Images
View of Paris, taken from the Quai de la Rapee in 1716 Detail of the boats on the Seine, 1716 (oil on canvas), Martin, Pierre-Denis (1663-1742) / Bridgeman Images
View of Paris, taken from the Quai de la Rapee in 1716 Detail of boats on the Seine and activities, 1716 (painting), Martin, Pierre-Denis (1663-1742) / Bridgeman Images