LZT1112288: Sawamura Tanosuke No Yusuke Nyobo Osen, the Actor Sawamura Tanosuke in the Role of Yusuke's Wife Osen. [Between 1810 and 1818], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 37.8 X 24.8 ., Print Shows Sawamura Tanosuke, an Actor, in the Role of Osen, Full-Length Portrait, Standing, Facing Left, Carrying a Wooden Bucket Containing Flowers., Toyokuni, Utagawa (1769-1825) / Bridgeman Images
LZT1112343: Andon, Lantern. [Between 1830 and 1844], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 37.6 X 25.8 ., Print Shows a Woman, Full-Length Portrait, Standing, Facing Left, with Several Hairpins in Her Hair, Carrying a Lantern in Her Right Hand and Folded Cloth or Papers in Her Left Hand, on Her Way to a Meeting with a Lover., Toyokuni, Utagawa (1769-1825) / Bridgeman Images
LZT1112649: Sandaime Ichikawa Yaozo No Yoshidaya Kizaemon, Ichikawa Yaozo III in the Role of Yoshida-Ya Kizaemon. [Between 1804 and 1806], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 37 X 24.2 ., Print Shows Ichikawa Yaozo III, a Kabuki Actor, Full-Length Portrait, Standing, Facing Left, Holding a Fan, Portraying the Role of Yoshida-Ya Kizaemon., Toyokuni, Utagawa (1769-1825) / Bridgeman Images
LZT1112652: Furyu Onna Shikisanba, Utagawa [1788 or 1789], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 37.8 X 25.5 ., Print Shows Three Women (or the Male Actors Portraying Women) in the Role of the Three Old Men Who Typically Perform the Okin Shikisanba, a Sacred Ceremonial No Dance., Toyokuni, Utagawa (1769-1825) / Bridgeman Images
LZT1112654: Azumabashi O Wataru Ichikawa Omezo to Sawamura Gennosuke, Ichikawa Omezo and Sawamura Gennosuke Crossing Azuma Bridge. [Between 1804 and 1810], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 38.5 X 25.6 ., Print Shows the Actors Ichikawa Omezo and Sawamura Gennosuke Walking Across the Azuma Bridge, with Two Porters Nearby., Toyokuni, Utagawa (1769-1825) / Bridgeman Images
LZT1112539: Toto Ryogokubashi Kawabiraki Han'Ei Zu, Flourishing Fireworks at Ryokoku Bridge Kawabiraki (Opening the River Ceremony) in the Eastern Capital. 1858., 1 Print (3 Sheets) : Woodcut, Color ; 35.5 X 24.5 (Left Panel), 35.4 X 24.7 (Center Panel), 35.5 X 24.4 (Right Panel), Print Shows Boats Crowding the River in Edo During Fireworks Display for the Opening of the River Celebration., Toyokuni, Utagawa (1769-1825) / Bridgeman Images